Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 2. Perception of Reality Do you ever feel like reality is the product of your own perception?

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    • #43132

      I read the question couple of times and went through all responses, and I’m still not clear what it is about.
      Reality = our world?
      Perception = data accumulated through our 5 senses (sensors), and processed by our brain (processor) ?

      I think this world make sense only as a playground, some basic level of computer game if you wish.
      And since we’re all in this game together, some get to go through common piece – script that unites us on one way or another.
      Is this level real for whoever in it? – Absolutely. Does it make sense on its own? – Not at all.

      And it seems to me that the real change begins when you’re struck with this feeling of “senselessness” and start questioning if there is something beyond this level. From this point onwards you don’t want to settle on keep loosing and restarting the game from the same level, but rather progressing through levels until you win the game.
      How to win? – If we assume that the ultimate goal is bringing us back to whole, then the only way is to connect.
      Why would I want to connect? First step is to consciously try and see good in others, second is to actually realize there is no other. 🙂

    • #43009

      Everyday. It baffles me cause if this concept is true then does that mean if we change our perception.. do we have the possibility to change our reality? I guess it’s easier said than done. The topic, in my opinion, is kind of like lucid dreaming and being able to control it. Except we don’t know we are dreaming.

    • #42945
      kenneth kimani

      There are times when I feel that I am in a state of sleep and that all I am experiencing is a dream and I might wake up at any moment. This has been going on since I was about 10 years old so I have no idea what reality truly is.

      • #43010

        Hey man, im the exact same way.

    • #42940

      Now I am so confused. Everything is real in a moment, but after a few minutes past it becomes like a dream and later I forget everything in the past. Nothing seems to be real other than a sigment of a memory in a certain period of time. If reality is judged by the brain, then may be reality is just a memory. However, if reality is judged by a feeling, then what is it?

    • #42889

      Yes, it almost feels like the external reality, including the behavior of others around me, is dancing to the tune of my inner thoughts and feelings. And to be honest, this is kind of scary, because what if my thoughts become negative?

    • #42645

      Yes, but only an apparent reality product of my physical sensory experiences.

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