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    • #367241

      I become increasingly more confused…kinda feeling mentally shattered, but I will keep on keeping on!

      • #367263

        That’s exactly why we get confused. We’re facing a whole system – with a shattered set of tools of perception.

    • #337894

      In the grafic representation used, Parsa is in Tifferet (nekudot de SAG). Shouldnt it be just below Bina, and above Hesed?

      • #337925

        You’re thinking about it correctly, but no, this division – the Parsa – is below the Bina that is in the Guf, which is Tiferet.

    • #337319

      There comes these instances of understanding. You talk about shattering that’s what happens to these instances after about one second. In pieces, scattered through what brain power I have left. I take this as good news and move on with ever increasing desire to know. More sleepless nights ahead putting things in order!

    • #331220

      I am impressed that students have questions …. I wouldn’t know what to ask or where to start. Im hoping the redeeming light sends some hints my way !!!

    • #323960

      Hi Gianni,

      Were the 2 requests to make Katnut and Gadlut both done at Nikvey Enaiim? Or was Gadlut done at Peh?

      • #367165

        And, egoistically, my way too! I have no idea how anyone can understand. Not to say I’m giving up, just… wow. It was nice to read from Dr. Laitman that it has nothing to do with mental understanding because that is not present a bit.

      • #324004

        That’s right, Michael, the Zivug De Hakaa for Gadlut was at the Peh of the Partzuf SAG de AK.

        • #324640

          Thank you.

          Seems obvious now .. it’s written clearly on the diagram you drew.

          Where does Daat come in? Which request? Katnut? Gadlut? Atzilut?

          I know Daat is the request of ZON to Bina and is there from World of Nekudim onward, but which request?

          Was Daat the request that led to the shattering?

          I think this topic is covered by one of Seth’s Pticha sessions and I have the article, The Ascent of MAN de ZAT de Nekudim to AVI and the Explanation of the Sefira Daat, which I will look for and read later ..

          .. but I’m hoping you could save me a little time on this particular question.

        • #324655

          Daat is first mentioned with respect to the request for Gadlut in the world of nikudim. It is the root for the Raising of MAN (mayiin nukvin) in the rest of the system.

        • #324694

          Yeah, I read most of the article I mentioned last night. If I understand correctly, Daat is activated in Nekudim ..

          (you say in Gadlut .. I was thinking it appears from the very beginning in Katnut – so, thanks for that clarification)

          .. and remains in play from there forward. It keeps Hochma and Bina in a face to face coupling i.e. Daat keeps the Light of Hochma dressed in the Light of Hassadim.

          I’m 88.32% clear on what that actually means .. I think it means that ZON’s request creates a necessary coupling between Hochma and Bina and maintains their coupling with constant spiritual requests throughout all the Worlds, beginning with Gadlut of Nekudim.

          Am I heading in the right direction?

        • #324712

          Yes. Of course there are states where ZON is not in a request.

        • #324732

          “The ZON that remained in Rosh de AVI..”?

        • #324733

          No, that’s already a request. They are rising there because they have a request.

        • #324734

          That’s what I thought. Wild guess. I’ll try again.

          “states where ZON is not in a request”?

          I don’t get this expression. I come up with 100 possible meanings.

          I know they are not in request in AK. I know they’re not in request in Katnut.

          Where else?

        • #324736

          There’s an entire ocean behind the few words of this text. We’ll see later. You’re right that that’s all that’s in the text for now.

        • #324737

          Unless we’re talking about the individual level vs the collective level ..?

          Final answer:

          ZON is not in a request from an individual, but a collective.

        • #324738

          Not in any state where the Light of Hassadim and the Light of Hochma are separated.

        • #324653

          That question was all wrong. I’ll come back if I really get stuck.

    • #321377

      Well… I only want to say that after reading your comments about feeling lost by now, makes me feel better. I think I get the idea and love it, but have a really hard time with all the names. And before I said The Science of Kabbalah was soo difficult, but actually is the other one, as someone else mentioned… the one we get the transcription in here (Preface to the Wisdom of Kabbalah). The Science is so much better!

      I read this “blockage” or hardship means 2 things: that we are somehow advancing… and the low level we’re at… LOL… But Cheryl is right… I have found myself many more times praying to be corrected…

      Congratulations to the advanced ones who are getting it better!!! 🙂

      • #321379

        Nah, I was one of the “advanced” ones who “got” everything and could recite like a scholar. I don’t think it helped. It’s truly unrelated to the real advancement in spirituality.

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