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    • #381919

      Hi Gianni, Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into disseminating the blueprint of creation. It is no small undertaking for any one person to internalize all of this material, and I feel that I have only scratched the surface on the path, maybe not even that. One has only so much mental bandwidth to digest and internalize instruction. I know I will have to come back and re-visit these many times to get a grip on it. How much of my time should I dedicate to this? As this relates to the development of the world kli, how much of this knowledge will be required for the other pieces of Adam Harishon?

      • #381936

        Hi Greg,

        Nice and balanced is the way to go. On the one hand, realizing the root of your soul in the Plan of Creation is all there is to do in this world. On the other hand, you have to realize it through this world specifically, along with the corporeal conditions the Creator gave. Therefore, it’s as much as you can do in your free time, after you take care of work and family. You’ll see later that that’s enough, and that’s plenty. There are millions of free moments that a person doesn’t know he has yet – and there’s the place of work, what is up to You to conquer. In the meantime, I’d bathe in our materials whenever possible, and the Reforming Light will do its thing.

        • #381937

          Thank you Gianni, bathing is a good way to think of it…beats heck out of feeling overwhelm. 🙂

    • #359382

      Thank you Gianna, for this wonderful course and enthousiastic and inspiring way you presented it to us.

      Also looking forward on starting in the young group and getting more connected to my fellow students.


    • #338016

      Thank you! I will study further 🙂

    • #332043

      hartelijk dank voor deze  lessen en uw onuitputtelijke geduld  bij het beantwoorden van de vragen. Ik heb heel veel geleerd maar ga alle video s nogmaals bekijken en mijn nota s doornemen .

    • #327317
      Ali Nadalipour

      Thanks gianni the course was great.hope to feel the upper light more and more

    • #321693

      Thank you, Gianni! I loved this course! I will go over it again, as I believe I’ll get even more on a second round. 🙂 And I can’t wait for the Young group and the practice work to start, even more after the video of this last lesson (14). Thanks!!!

      • #321694

        Thanks, Maria! Way to persevere. See you in the young group.

        • #321981

          So helpful to have seen all the videos together, one after the other one, after having finished the course! I can say I kind of got a glimpe of the information “in motion” as the “movie” I wanted to see, LOL!

          I’m so thankful for this course, Gianni, and all the work you guys do at KabU…

          See you in the Young Group, of course! 🙂

        • #321982

          Thanks, Maria! Good luck!

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