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    • #283909
      Richard Lively

      What is GAR?  Which lesson week did we discuss this?   Or which book should I buy to learn this?

      • #284225

        GAR: Gimel (three) Rishonot (first ones) – the first three Sefirot KHB (Keter, Hochma, Bina).

      • #283930
        Richard Lively

        also what is the word YESHSUT, does it have an origin? a meaning in Aramaic?   Or is this just the name of this action that takes place in Katlut to Gadlut in AK?


        This was replied on the wrong one I meant to add it to my question

        • #284226

          It’s an acronym from Hebrew, formed out of Israel Saba ve Tvuna – YESHUT. It’s the lower part of Bina.

    • #282254
      Sol Belo

      Really awesome.  Thank you.  Now I have some motivation, other than the usual, for efforts in Kabbalah in this Life

    • #281986

      Thank you for this course, Gianni! Really!

      I copied your diagrams, hope it’s OK. They will be my crutch on the road ahead. There is still so much to learn.



    • #188218
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      I found this course the most informative, yet I was very disappointed to see this last section to be incomplete. Hoping to find more information on the other worlds not discussed.

    • #186143

      So what do I do next?

      • #190321

        Either you can continue taking the video-on-demand courses; or follow the path of Kabbalah Revealed 1+2, Kabbalah Experience, Kabbalah in Action, Graduate Program.

    • #185313
      Joanne Kabu-W10

      Could you give examples of reaching equivalence with the minimal first spiritual degree?

      • #190320

        That’s the entire wisdom of Kabbalah, because there’s nothing else to do in all of Creation. Equivalence with the first spiritual degree requires one to be in a group, called a ten, and to measure realistically from day to day his attitude towards it, to try to mold his attitude towards them to be in equivalence of form with the Upper Force’s attitude towards the whole of Creation. When my attitude towards at least some small part of reality (the minimum being ten others) matches the attitude and intention of the Upper Force towards the whole reality, I am also in equivalence with the first spiritual degree, and according to equivalence, I reveal it.

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