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    • #363287
      Tammy Ardoin

      How is it that phase 0 is Holchma. I thought we work back up and by these 4 phases it appears we are working downward but that can’t be right. Am I missing something? Sorry to ask but I always thought we would work from Malchut up to holchma. Thank you for your time and your help 🙂

      • #363415

        0- Keter

        1- Hochma

        2- Bina

        3- Tifferet/Zeir Anpin


        These is the order from Above down. The order from below up comes later. This section of study (most of this course) is about the Above-down process.

    • #363023
      Zachary Jones

      Were earlier iterations of the collective soul higher in the four phases of direct light?

      • #363034

        Certainly. But we all complement each other, and essentially it’s the same group reincarnating until full correction.

    • #361882

      Our material world is in Assia or the kingship. Does it mean it’s already in the final stage of the thought of creation or Malchut ?

      • #361904

        Our world is not yet Assiya. We have a Point in the Heart, and only that is considered the Achor be Achor (backside of the backside) of the first degree of the spiritual world.

    • #361881

      I have trouble to imagine Binah phase. How is it possible to only bestow to look like the creator?

      If we consider a human being, he will always need to eat delicious food or have a drink with some friends etc. Aren’t those also considered desire to receive? Aren’t they existing even in Binah phase?

      • #361905

        We’re in an imaginary world, not the reality spoken about here.

        • #361944

          If I understand correctly Binah doesn’t exist in the real world? You mean that a human being doesn’t go through this step?

        • #361963

          And by “real world” you mean the imagination of life we’re having? 🙂

          What I mean is that although all realities are constructed of 4 phases, however, we can’t discern these qualities.

        • #362012

          I just thought this would apply to the human lifecycle. And if a baby is born in khokma, next step should be binah. Maybe we can make more research to discern those qualities. And to know in which phase is each human being

        • #362020

          We can’t because the human phases only exist as such because they are branches of the spiritual roots – but it is not that we are actually in the corresponding phases.

    • #361855
      Varda kahalany

      When you say ‘The creator WANTS to bestow : – then it means that the Creator also has a desire , which is to give. And so, when the creature receives the light and ‘fulfills’ the Creator , does it mean that the Creator too has a desire to RECEIVE this fulfilment ? I mean that actually the will to receive is included in the light, at the very beginning,  and when the creation unfolds this desire is actually going into the creature (or Kli). Otherwise, if the Creator only wants to bestow then there is no question of ‘fulfilling’ him . I sound confusing even to myself but I would really like to understand it a bit. I am aware that we have a capacity of understanding in terms of what we know in our physical reality, so maybe at this point it is so confusing because I still did not develop enough ‘the point in the hearth’ that allows to slowly perceive the upper worlds ?

      • #361906

        These are reasonable assumptions according to what we feel, but no, the Creator doesn’t have a desire. He is the quality of bestowal. But if you want, you can think that He has a will to bestow, but his deficiency is in others, only that they will be fulfilled, and He gets contentment when the good goes entirely to the other.

    • #361029


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