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    • #426927

      If the shame cancel the pleasure why is there a need for a restriction, isn’t the shame already the restriction in itself?

      • #426929

        Yes but still – sequentially, after the shame cancels the pleasure, there needs to be a decision: “From now on, I don’t receive, unless I can be certain it’s to bestow to the Creator.”

        • #427007

          Thank you. I have an other question, in the video the restriction in Malchut is called Tzimtzum Aleph but there was already the tzimtzum before Adam Kadmon. Should it not be called tzimtzum beth?

          • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 3 days ago by Vianney.
        • #427012

          Which video are you talking about?

          The Tzimzum in th world of Adam Kadmon is Tzimzum Alpeh (First Restriction)

          The Tzimzum downin the NHY of AK is Tzimzum Bet (Second Rstriction)

        • #427017

          The first video in point 4. Restriction. At 5:54 as I understand he says tzimtzum aleph when speaking about the kli. From 5:38 he is speaking of the four phases and the creature, then the decision of the upper that is a law in the lawer, and the complete restriction of the creature, tzimtzum aleph.

          • This reply was modified 3 weeks, 3 days ago by Vianney.
        • #427069

          Malchut of Eyn Sof, the initial Creation, develops in 4 phases, at the end of which is the Restriction. Much later, there is one more Restriction that extends this law further. We’ll talk about it in an upcoming video.

    • #390516

      In Isaiah 14 we read:

      How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

      13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

      14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

      15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.

      16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

      17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?

      Is this a picture of Malchut? Is this our essence? It seems when we say Malchut wanted to control the Creator, it became the being that Isaiah called Lucifer.

      • #399638

        My understanding of Lucifer is that it represents Pride (and Satan represents Wrath). I believe those are just two desires we are working to correct here.

        • #399655

          Hi Haze,

          Lucifer, I don’t have in the wisdom of Kabbalah. It’s a modern term that was used to translate to the Latin lux ferre from the Hebrew word helel (הֵילֵל) and then further interpretations were added by more non-Kabbalists.

          The term Satan (שָּׂטָן, satan) is present in Job, the Zohar, and elsewhere in authentic Kabbalistic texts, where it means accuser. It’s just one of the forces in a person that pull him away from the correct Kabbalistic study.

        • #399755

          Thank you Gianni. That was very helpful. I thought about my reply some more and realized that perhaps those aren’t desires after all … just emotions. Is there a difference between desires, emotions and forces?

        • #400511

          Actually no. It just depends which discernment we want to emphasize. All is desire. All is forces. And emotions are just what we’re registering presently.

      • #390522

        I can’t answer because the original text was written by Kabbalists and the text you provided is a translation in which words have been changed and entire words and concepts that don’t exist in the original have been added. But also, the original is very high and I wouldn’t get confused with it because it’s not directly in front of us, but, believe it or not, what is discussed in this course, is. It’s a paradox – I get that – that here it seems as if high-flying in some distant upper worlds, while in a text like that one it seems that we can pretty much understand what’s going on.

    • #387754

      Hi, I just realised I might have asked too many questions along that course, sorry for that, I feel just really intruiged by all of this,  please feel free to just answer whichever seems to fit with the content of the course. Thank you.

    • #387682

      Is Kabbalistic work including working in a group, in order to learn to bestow to friends, and by aquiring that ability to greater depths, allowing to attain the light more and more? Because only in bestowing, in the condition of Malchut, light can possibly be revealed?

    • #387681

      I am wondering, which state Malchut will get into as she restricts herself from all that she is plus all her connection towards the other phases of light. I cannot think of a more „traumatic transition“ … and that state of deprivation… wońt she become „depressed“… or turn into something else, alienating her self from all she was before? I know spirituality doesńt work according to human psychology, but there was this deep impact of shame.  And then, if I would compare how Malchut is affected by that „once and forever decision“ and all the loss and restriction it contains, I would think it changes her nature?

      • #387790

        No, Malchut is going into a desirable state. It’s not like our state where we don’t yet feel ourselves as participants or having any choice in the matter. I saw, for example, that it’ll be good for my little son’s mind and heart to block his device. I saw that he was addicted. How does he feel about this and how do I feel? I feel great about it, for his sake. As for Malchut, she sees how this will be great, we don’t yet.

    • #362295


      Why don’t we consider this restriction as a 5th phase after Malchut?

      I have another question which is more generic please : Those phases apply to the human soul evolution? How can I know which phase I’m in?

      • #362299

        Restriction is a response to the 4 Phases of Direct Light. Meaning something comes from Above – Direct Light – and seemingly there is a response from below, from the Desire: Restriction.

        You can’t know which phase you’re in because you’re not in one of these Phases. These are prior to any individual person. We’re in a different state, after a Shattering of the Desire that is referred to here.

        • #364960

          I see. So if I understand correctly, these phases are about the creation of the whole universe and they happened before the advent of the human race?

        • #364968

          They are even before the universe came out of the “Big Bang”. We’ll see soon where ‘our world’ is in this system.

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