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    • #190419

      Lots of questions that I’m sure will be answered eventally.

    • #190219

      There isn’t a question I don’t have so … yeah …

    • #184770

      When it says that the reflected light in the first Partzuf after the first restriction was 20% of the direct light, does that mean that Nefesh entered Keter and the rest remained empty, or does it mean that Nefesh goes all the way down do Malchut but that every light from Yechida to Nefesh has each 20% of the original amount of the direct light?

      • #184784

        No, there aren’t such discernments here. We don’t yet have the Inverse Relation of Lights and Vessels that you’re referring to, and the Light is just the Simple Upper Light that fills the whole reality. In Phase 1 it’s the Light of Hochma, according to the Desire of Hochma. In Bina it’s the Light of Bina, or Hassidim. In Zeir Anpin it’s a reawakening of that Desire of Hochma and accordingly it again receives the Hochma Light in 20% and the Light of Hassidim in 80%.

        Re-reading your question I see you were not asking about the Four Phases of Direct Light, but after the Restriction. So there we do have the Inverse Relation of Lights and Vessels. What confused me was the 20%/80% part of the question because those discernments relate to Tifferet of the Four Phases. These were the numbers Rabash gave as an example, even though it’s not exactly 20%, but in reality it is much less of the Light of Hochma. The numbers aren’t as important as the concept that we’re using the Kelim of Phase 1 just a bit, and the rest effectively remains mostly empty.

        • #184887

          Ok I want to rephrase in order to clarify, I hope i don’t sound too repetitive:

          We use all 5 Kelim here from Keter to Hochmah in the Rosh, but everywhere just a little bit, so that the whole sum of NRNHY is just like for example 20% of what it could be, if the Masach was not so soft as it is at the moment.

          Am I getting closer?

        • #184890

          There’s no “little bit” in spirituality. It’s all or nothing. Regarding the Kashiut (hardness) of the Screen, it must be able to reject all the Lights to even begin working spiritually. But regarding the Aviut (coarseness) of the Screen, meaning which desires I can use, I could use these desires but not be able to use those desires. But I can’t use half a desire, 20% of a desire.

          The place there are these percentages, which Rabash used just as an example, is in Tifferet of the 4 Phases of Direct Light. But that is a whole state. Circular. It is not divided up like Partzufim are later on. It’s just that it is composed of the Vessels from Phase 1 (Hochma) as well as Vessles of Phase 2 (Bina). So it is actually fulfilled if you want to know the truth. It’s fulfilled with Hochma a bit, but the majority is the fulfillment of Hassidim. Maybe forget thee percentages and think of it as a whole state that has this particular character of fulfillment primarily in Hassidim, with a bit of Hochma.

    • #184366

      Discussing the screen in the blog section of course below brings a question of what does the creator’s lack speak of? The lack of fulfillment of bestowal in my vessel of desire?

      A Masach indicates that I am directed towards the Creator and take Him into account, paying no attention to myself at all—I don’t exist! I am directed only towards Him. To make a Tzimtzum (restriction) means that from this moment on, I will not take my desires, thoughts, and inclinations into account, but will use all of this only to bestow to the Creator.

      He is the goal. For me, all of His characteristics and desires are my vessel, and I use myself only to fulfill Him. This means that I use all that I have, but evaluate bad and good only relative to Him, within Him.

      It’s all about Him. I feel His desires, fulfillments, deficiencies, and problems. After this I consider how I can realize what He lacks.

    • #183557

      So in keeping with your mom offers dinner apology…

      When we are immature, mom offers….water YES; sandwich NO; dinner NO; sleep over NO; move in NO.

      We grow and mature….

      water YES; sandwich YES; dinner NO; sleep over NO; move in NO.

      MORE GROWTH…water YES; sandwich YES; dinner YES; sleep over NO; move in NO.

      MORE GROWTH…water YES; sandwich YES; dinner YES; sleep over YES; move in NO.

      • #183562

        No that’s no longer analogous to the spiritual process. Full adhesion is where we inherent the King’s palace, all of reality, and we manage it in His place, a He would have – we become equivalent with Him.

    • #182962

      Hi Friends

      I know that this is getting very interesting so let the studies and efforts continue!!

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