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    • #285351

      Are our emotions indicators of the presence or absence of the Light in our kli ?

      • #287205

        We are all emotions, we’re feeling creatures. And our brain is only what we imagine as something besides our emotions. But this brain is only a calculator of how can I bring more good feelings to myself and avoid bad feelings. There’s nothing else in reality. The fact that I’m having a problem in this life with bringing myself to good feelings and avoiding bad ones – that’s a certainty. All of humanity begins feeling the empty Kli, that has no Light inside. All of our incarnations all people have been trying to chase how to fill it finally. Never gets filled. You can run towards what looks like the Light of fulfilment, it’s always a mirage. So, eventually everyone will see that it is only if we will be connected, and not alone, but connect to others, in that connection and only in that connection, the Light can enter. And everything you want is in that Kli, and nothing is missing. And this is the only way to receive. That’s why the wisdom of Kabbalah means wisdom of reception. Because you can’t receive, ever, the way that is our natural approach. We need a wisdom of how to do it.

    • #285092
      Arian parshan

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>world of atzilut is abstract,this means that the thoughts and imagination become reality?</p>

      • #285099

        The World of Atzilut is not abstract – our reality is abstract, misty, unclear, like a dream. Whereas Atzilut is, by comparison, rock-hard. We need to rise above this reality and we’ll feel it as though coming out of a dream, where you see that it wasn’t real after all. And now you’re entering “the real world”.

    • #285089
      Arian parshan

      can we consider in initial Eni Sof ,because all intention of light during developing was toward outside in the center appear dark point without any attention?.like centrifugal vector that by increasing the center is only place that none of vectors do not come to it.

      • #285098

        Better not to imagine it. There were different laws. There are realities were you have different physics, different math. The initial point of Creation is a creation of existence from absence. A Creation.

    • #285086
      Arian parshan

      hello my dear teacher,Gianni.

      can we consider that the time is result of appearing reshimot inside desire step by step?

    • #283820

      Dank  je voor deze voor mij  eerste les.   Dit was heel duidelijk voor mij  en  ik  heb  nu  geen vragen; Jouw  rustige manier van spreken en  aangename stem   helpen  enorm  om  aandachtig te blijven . Dank daarvoor

      • #283899

        Translation: Thank you for this first lesson for me. This was very clear to me and I have no questions now; Your calm way of speaking and pleasant voice help enormously to remain attentive. Thanks for that

        Thanks Christianne. I’m glad to have you with us, and glad the Creator gave me qualities that work for you. 🙂

    • #282621

      Hello, I really enjoyed this opening lesson. The mention of the Light actually being pleasure for the Created being was interesting and resonated with me. In a lot of the videos and information that I have been reading leading up to now, the Light always seemed like a very abstract concept. It being pleasure, and us being the vessel for pleasure, makes sense to me.

      I’m sure though that this is a simplistic description, and that as the classes continue, a better understanding of this concept will occur to me.

      Also, I believe I am a late starter for this particular group, will I need to work double time to catch up? I believe there is groupings into Tens or something at the end right?

      • #282689

        Hi Chris,

        The Light is indeed abstract – meaning we exist in an ocean of pleasure, however we feel it only if (1) we have a vessel in which to feel it, as you cannot enjoy wine if you have no mouth, no stomach, no brain, etc. We are missing the receivers to receive this broadcast of pleasure. So, we have to build the correct receiver. From birth we have a receiver that is both too small – the way a baby only wants mommy’s milk and so cannot enjoy any of the things you call pleasure – and our receiver is also in an incorrect, prohibited format. Meaning there is an Upper Law against the form we want to receive in, by our nature. That’s why whenever we’re about to receive, the pleasure evaporates.

        About the pace, you don’t need to rush. This is an ongoing, self-paced course where the students in this cohort have started at different times and should they continue, will enter different groups as they complete the required courses.

Viewing 6 posts - 37 through 42 (of 83 total)
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