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    • #301633

      Hi Gianni Thanks for this video I am asking myself if this spiritual world is in reality another world or is it an underlying field or structure that is ruling our world? Are these 2 worlds separated or one and the same thing? How are they related?

      • #301665

        We’re actually in the spiritual world but we have such senses through which we see it as we do. So, it doesn’t appear as a beautiful, perfect, infinite reality of all good and no bad; rather one who is realistic sees exactly the opposite.

    • #301481
      Adam Murray

      I suppose my only question is old an cliche, but I don’t understand the paradox or mystery of free will and determinism. Looking at a newborn baby is probably helpful, ey? Lol.

      • #301524

        I may not think I have free will, but no matter what anyone says, I still behave as though I do. Because if one feels how in every thought, desire and movement he is being operated by a force that wants bad for him (the ego), then he would search for a way to stop following these dictates. Baal HaSulam explains free choice in the article, The Freedom

    • #300976
      Anayo Nzute


      if everything happens backward from the thoughts of creations which is to do good to the created being. does that mean that what is written in  Genesis 1:27, which reads: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” that we have not yet achieve this state and will it be right to say that everything we are going through is leading us towards becoming like him.

    • #300650
      Prescilia Javnyuy

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hi Gianni do you think as an individual one can attend the upper light. Studying in a ten and with instructors?</p>

      • #300651

        Certainly, one studying with a group and a true teacher can reach the Upper World. This is what the Creator wants to happen, and He made it possible for it to happen, built into Creation a pathway by which any person could reach it.

    • #300173
      Abe Tapia

      THANKS THESE ARE MY 😊  😍 FAVORITE LESSONS they are going to be very helpful when I start learning about the sefirot.

    • #296466
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Heello my Name is Kebede Mamo Dessis from Ethiopia / Oromiya ,  i understand tat  all thigs are predetermed , but three is also a Leeson that free choice . please explain about this two ,

      • #296472

        If we go according to the mechanisms of pleasure and pain that constantly activate in us, then everything is predetermined. I will be led to do all the things that I’m destined for on the “path of suffering”. If however I build an environment that consists of authentic Kabbalah materials and others on the same path, I can create different values so that instead of in every moment being directed towards pleasure and away from pain I can be directed at the purpose of life. This aim changes everything. And then I’m working in a field in which room was left for free choice. For now it’s philosophy but one starts to feel these things.

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