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    • #300173
      Abe Tapia

      THANKS THESE ARE MY 😊  😍 FAVORITE LESSONS they are going to be very helpful when I start learning about the sefirot.

    • #296466
      Abbaa Naa’ol

      Heello my Name is Kebede Mamo Dessis from Ethiopia / Oromiya ,  i understand tat  all thigs are predetermed , but three is also a Leeson that free choice . please explain about this two ,

      • #296472

        If we go according to the mechanisms of pleasure and pain that constantly activate in us, then everything is predetermined. I will be led to do all the things that I’m destined for on the “path of suffering”. If however I build an environment that consists of authentic Kabbalah materials and others on the same path, I can create different values so that instead of in every moment being directed towards pleasure and away from pain I can be directed at the purpose of life. This aim changes everything. And then I’m working in a field in which room was left for free choice. For now it’s philosophy but one starts to feel these things.

    • #296063

      Is this statement correct? The Creator deliberately programmed us (read: humanity) to enjoy life by giving us more and more pleasures which we perceive (and judge) with our five senses (pure externally driven). Ultimately  all these pleasures saturate us (‘we get enough, become too egocentric, arrogant, etc.’) and His programme forces us to develop a sixth sense with which to enjoy spiritual pleasures (internally driven).


      • #296145

        Yes, the Upper Force created a Desire to Receive. However, because of other things you’ll learn about the system, we are not able to receive: we never actually arrive at the pleasure we were supposedly chasing. Of this fruitless chase, we eventually become despaired. Because the Desire to Receive demands to be paid for its efforts, and chasing pleasure requires effort. You’ll learn later that in each Desire to Receive there is buried a spark from the Upper Force, the quality of bestowal, and when it finally surfaces it demands a person not only chase pleasures but search for Who these pleasures come from; Who designed this reality, in which seemingly all we want is to enjoy, and yet no one – and I mean no one – is actually enjoying (due to the aforementioned law).

    • #293011

      The theoretical part I think I got it down. What I can’t wrap my head around is the fact that All of these “Worlds” and dimensions are inside me. I always “thought” that these upper realities were so far.

      • #296486

        Many thanks, Gianni! I would like to strengthen my statement:

        The Creator deliberately bestows (if not overwhelms) us continuously with pleasure – both in material (tangible) things as well as in intangible sense. As a result, we get spoiled, saturated and arrogant in our behavior. We may even become addicted (“we cannot do without anymore”), we assume that we are in control of our achievements, and/or we exploit and abuse our planet and the poor people – and our egoism grows. However, for those who have a point in the Heart, are aware of this generosity of the Creator and are conscious that He does so for a specific purpose: to become like him. They show gratitude, are mindful, modest and not self-centred.

        I have a question, though: this statement only counts for the rich (minority of humanity); what about the poor people (majority)? Have the rich become so arrogant (and egocentric) that they exploit/abuse the poor??

        • #296499

          Nobody sees it that way, that the Creator constantly bestows good upon the world. I think the world is enough of a fishbowl now, and if we don’t see or feel it, there are enough reality shows to make it clear that even the very rich are also not enjoying this world. The enjoyment that is left for people is that if you have it worse than me, that in itself is pleasure for me. And besides that, there’s nothing. This is what we’d conclude if we checked each and everyone in the world. The fact that the Creator constantly bestows – well, what He bestows actually causes us to feel even greater darkness. Because He bestows that He brings us closer to His quality, and if we don’t prepare the proper vessels for that, then this feels the opposite of good. That’s why the world isn’t getting better, it’s feeling worse and worse the more we try to remain in ancient forms of enjoyment. Now the time has come to develop vessels of bestowal, and then we will feel the Creator’s goodness.

      • #294342

        The whole world is also inside of you. And the Upper Worlds.

    • #292886
      Anna Mintz

      If everything has been predetermined, then so too is the point in the heart unless prevented by our own free will ?

      • #294343

        We have to learn in Baal HaSulam’s article The Freedom what is meant by free choice. We don’t have free choice because we always go with the reigns by which the Upper Force animates all our actions. And, as a double concealment, we also believe that we are the ones doing all those actions, by our volition – not realizing that all the decision will we ever make, after all our pained deliberations, could be shown to us in a book, already now. And, even worse, we would find that knowing all of them in advance, we would, in the moment, still be unable to resist doing everything written in that book. Therefore, we need the wisdom of Kabbalah, the method by which I can develop this Point in the Heart. It needs to be developed further, and then it will be a counterpoint to the mechanism by which all my decisions are usually made, being my desire to receive, against which stands nothing – it always determines everything I do because there’s nothing else in me. There’s a Point in the Heart but it’s still not strong enough to be a counterforce. It’s like I get in the car and if I don’t touch the wheel, the car goes automatically towards the left. I’m like that: nothing stands against my ego yet, to turn the wheel so I can drive straight. So I just drive in circles.

    • #289845

      Hello Gianni. Great presentation! I learned how creation is present by revealing itself backwards.

      So my goal is persistence and patience?

      Something better is on the horizon.

      Sincerely, Maria

      • #290140

        Certainly something better is on the horizon. This is always the worst state of all that lies ahead. The only question is how soon I will reveal the good that is in store. The longer I stay in my current state the more unpleasant it becomes until I see that I need to change. So the essence of good is constant change, correction.

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