How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #328934

      I need to pray that the creator will help me to change from personal ego satisfaction/desires to the intention to bestow good on others. By doing this I give pleasure to the creator and i become closer to him because he is the nature bestowal ….ultimately my prayer is for connection to the creator …the more like the creator i become the closer to him i get .


    • #328642
      Jarrett Twaddle

      By shifting my intention from self-serving to service of others, with the intention to bring pleasure to the Creator.

    • #327774

      I think that prayer must come from a real sincere desire. One really has to mean it.

    • #326758

      It sounds like the prayer has to be the one and main and true desire to change and it will be fulfilled.

    • #326267

      In my meditation I’ve found the most effective means to receive divine guidance/assistance/nourishment or whatever I’m seeking is to have no real agenda but the intent to receive. To “give it up” as it were to my higher power and allow for what they wish to give me.

    • #325971

      If we pray for ability to rise above ourselves it get answered but it has to be a real one from the bottom of our heart. Humanity’s evolution is taking it to the state of realizing it’s oneness and a prayer that is in the same direction as nature’s plan gets answered.

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