How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #333845

      With Unconditional Love and Knowledge that the prayers are answered!


    • #332129

      I can’t say that all my answered and all my demands are fulfilled, but I can’t complain. I have what I need, I have the knowledge that, what I am learning will come with me out of this world. The errors made are declared, working in their repair and the feeling that I will be able to cope with them is here.  There was a time when I receive intensively notices in my prays, that things will change, that I will have to cross swamp water; so I was prepared when the time come. God gives us advice, is only up to us to listen and believe, but he prepare us for the hard time in the way.

    • #330581

      ” the upper Force doesn’t listen to words”

      “The Creator only reads what’s in our hearts”

      My prayer is that the creator change me so I can perceive like “Him”

      I ask that I may be corrected, so I can alter my inner nature and I can sense the loving nature that the event or circumstance is brought to me.

      For most of my life I have perceived my life and existence through the lens of lack and scarcity. I cultivated and produced a life of lack, thus creating a life of pain constant chasing, isolation and suffering. I had moments of happiness but nothing longlasting.


    • #330450

      From a position of bestowal.

    • #329809

      By changing the intention of my prayer and shifting it from asking/bribing the Creator to change and ask to be changed myself, instead.

    • #329621
      Mel Farrell

      To ask for guidance and courage

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