How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #311235

      For me, I talk to Him all day. Sometimes as best friends laughing together. Sometimes in fear and reverence. Sometimes in a quick acknowledgment that He has already answered me before I had words to ask. Sometimes, like now that He give me words in due season for those who need them. That they be His and not mine. I pray in private and sometimes aloud. Sometimes I lay hands on people and pray..sometimes they know sometimes they don’t. Sometimes I just cry. Sometimes He takes my breath away. I pray I never be a stumbling block and that I may be a light that brings Him glory. He is and has always been with me. He is my constant…my being. He knows the desires of my heart. I don’t need words to pray. When I do use words they are for me. To align and remind myself. These are the words I pray the most. “Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu Blessed are You Lord our God King of the Universe who brings forth [reveals] bread [knowledge] from the earth [me/men] Father of Jacob Isaac and Abraham hear [receive] my prayer. Bless my family (or someone/something specific) protect them, give them wisdom and discernment in the Name of Yeshua I pray, Amen. Our Father [Creator] who art in Heaven [Spiritual world] hallowed [revered above all] be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom [sovereign rule] come, Thy will [desire] be done on earth [in me/men] as it is in Heaven [Spiritual world] give us this day our daily bread [knowledge] and forgive us our trespasses [ignorance] as we forgive those [show mercy/grace] who trespass [hurt, wrong, hinder our growth] against us. Lead us not into temptation [doubting of faith] unless it is to bring me closer to You. For thine is the Kingdom and Glory and honor and praise forever, Amen.

    • #311163

      By asking to change myself, to see creation as it is.

    • #310992

      By loving what is. Feeling in my heart, that all is a gift and perfect. Easier said than done 😉


    • #310846

      The Clarification Of Praying from a GutDesire of Need is really LIFE affirming & to be able to Utilize this for the NEEDS of Others to Light our World ~ Amazing!!! Big BIG HEART! 🙂

    • #310697
      Seeker of Wisdom

      By asking the Creator (from the Heart) to change me. For He is the Lord and does not change therefore I must change through the help of the Upper-Force.

    • #308782

      By knowing that God only bestows good and what I am experiencing only looks bad from my perception so the best thing for me is to ask God to correct my perception and my nature and allow me to experience bestowal or in other words to let me use this experience to serve others in any way that is necessary.

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