How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #286975
      Leroy 1995

      Not praying for my needs, but how i must change to compare my needs to a succes.

    • #286961

      Pray in a manner which is in harmony with the light of bestowal. For example; an event happens which I feel is unpleasant or unwanted. I pray to God in order to take the event away. Which is a prayer God will not answer because he sent the event for your growth. Instead we should ask God what it is I should understand from the situation. Ask how can you grow and benefit from the event.

    • #285541
      Zealot Mines

      From the clips, and my acquired understanding, true prayer is asking the creator to change me.. my ego so that I my receive in order to give.. altruism. This true prayer if coming from the heart will be answered.

    • #285134

      If I let the life flow and be calm and acceptable in whatever situations may come in my life.

      If I pray for being able to accept His Will as my will.

      If I pray for the good of all the world, CONSCIOUSLY.

      Then I am sure that my prayers will be answered.


    • #284850

      I should not pray for my needs but for the other’s instead.  If I do that I will be the first to receive the answer from the Creator

      • #287092

        Who SHOULD pray for your needs?

        Me? I don’t know your needs. Honestly, I don’t even know mine. But the Creator provides for all our needs. Always answers. Always talks to us. How much do I “hear” Him/Her? 10%? I wish!

    • #284796

      I feel having watched the lectures, that the intention of my prayers having been guided to be more in control of the Creator in order to fix my problems, so understanding how the intention works when acknowledging a creative force which sustains all life I now know that my prayer was intended in the opposite direction, I can now engage in prayer which has an intention to change me, and throughout the hours after having engaged in prayer, moments of meditation through contemplative inner conversation and inspiring moments in life illuminate in me a correct alteration of how I conduct interactions with others and moments of difficulty.

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