How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

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    • #284646

      Prayer is asking my Higher Power to learn that everything I experience is good for me to grow and learn, as well as to be good and give blessings to others.

    • #284631
      Rick Reed Sr

      I have said prior that God is not a genie and it’s there just to provide for our wishes however I didn’t have the additional part that intent is more of a key. I have prayed that I will be changed but it has a different understanding now.

    • #284252

      Rather than praying from the idea of requesting to be saved or rescued from a situation I rather not experience, a more beneficial approach would be to perceive the situation from a higher more selfless position in as close to alignment to the creator as I am capable. Pray for the strength to  to deal with whatever occurs in my life from as non judging if a position as possible.

    • #284170

      Realizing that intention is everything. So if I pray for the good of mankind I combine in prayer the logical and common sense thinking with the connection and the good that we feel in the heart for all people. And with the intention of connecting with the Creator to channel the light through me to everyone.

    • #282753

      Prayer with gratitude of my perception of the present moment, express from the heart without expectation of what I think is best. Ask for guidance.

    • #282558

      With true intentions and by praying more for strength of self to overcome the perceived obstacles of creation. So rather then asking for something directly… ask yourself what it takes to over come that and work to attain this within and without self rather then expecting a perfect creation to bend to your egotistical will.

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