How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 1. The Essence of Kabbalah How can I pray in a way that will get my prayers answered?

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 326 total)
  • Author
    • #282525
      Yvon Decelles

      Ask not for yourself but for the benefit of bestowing to another one and you will receive. Bonus, you get a nice meal 😊. Not sure I’m getting this right…

    • #282289
      Bonnie A. Bus

      The prayer is always with the intention  of helping the other.  You wish that somebody who is not fortunate or not healthy that he/she becomes better.

    • #282168
      Nic C

      With intentionality encompassed in desire. Be careful what you pray for. 😋

    • #281823

      When my prayer has a pure intention to the good to others and free of to receive only to myself.

    • #281591

      By desiring to be changed within my circumstances (so that I might know the Creator’s benevolence) rather than my circumstances be changed to make me more comfortable.

    • #280914

      I Pray so I can sensing desire of creator that become my desire

Viewing 6 posts - 139 through 144 (of 326 total)
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