How can we ever be satisfied if the pleasure always neutralizes our desire?

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course 3. Understanding Your Inner Self How can we ever be satisfied if the pleasure always neutralizes our desire?

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    • #314055

      We can never be satisfied along the Path of Pain. We must Connect In Corrected Desire to know Satisfaction ❤️

    • #313434
      Lora Vatalaro

      We can’t be at this egoistic level of receiving to receive, or of giving to receive.  The only way to be satisfied is to develop the will to bestow.

    • #311619

      When our desire to to give, actually gives us more pleasure than receiving. But we need the creator to help us do this.

      James M

    • #310795
      Seeker of Wisdom

      By bestowal. Receiving pleasure from seeing fulfillment in others. When you do not expect anything in return you can be satisfied and freed from the misuse of desire (by having the desire to see others fulfilled).

    • #309012

      Temporarily.  When the pleasure subsides than my egoistic desires return.  (I hope I understood the question right)

    • #307043

      pretty sure this is why many of us get stuck in dopamine reward feedback loops

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