In what way do you think that changing your software from self benefit, to benefiting others, can help you realize your fullest potential?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Self Realization In what way do you think that changing your software from self benefit, to benefiting others, can help you realize your fullest potential?

  • #33185

    Gil Shir

    In what way do you think that changing your software from self benefit, to benefiting others, can help you realize your fullest potential?

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 57 total)
  • Author
    • #285865
      Luc ANOUBRE

      By changing my software from self benefit to benefiting others I get closer to the Creator. I care for others and they also care for me, I no longer worry about things because there will always be somebody to care for me.

    • #285596

      This will gather the sparks of Adam HaRishon.

    • #282253
      Ty Palodichuk

      it would help me realize my full potential because using my talents for the whole of humanity would be far more rewarding than just gaining self-benefit, thus driving me to maximizing my potential.

    • #281909

      If I change my software from self benefit to benefiting others I will reach my full potential because it will no longer be just about me, it will be about everyone just like we were originally created.

    • #280564
      kevin jackson

      With the software change, what benefits one benefits all… all for one and one for all, starting with all and ending with all 💖

    • #280510

      With the new software, I will percieve myself as a part of the whole humanity, so the accumulated potential of all people, will be “my” potential.

      I will gladly contibute with my talents, but the results will be a sum of everybodys efforts.

      That is a lot of potential!!!! 🙂

Viewing 6 posts - 31 through 36 (of 57 total)
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