In what way do you think that changing your software from self benefit, to benefiting others, can help you realize your fullest potential?

New Home Forums Course Forums The Science of Human Emergence Self Realization In what way do you think that changing your software from self benefit, to benefiting others, can help you realize your fullest potential?

  • #33185

    Gil Shir

    In what way do you think that changing your software from self benefit, to benefiting others, can help you realize your fullest potential?

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    • #280261

      The desire to change my software from me, me, me(ego) to WE allows me to see reality more clearly. It is as if in wanting to connect and serve others the Creator slowly reveals to me the “role” I am intended to play in the the organism of Humanity. It depends on the intensity of our desire to connect with others that the Light allows us to realize our fullest potential. It’s definitely not an overnight feat but that burning desire that drives us to know and connect with the Truth gives us the strength to continue evolving, growing and discovering the Creators ultimate Plan for Humanity.

    • #222220
      Ed Mereoară

      By changing our Kli to giving

    • #221115

      When we communicate with others, we reveal our greatest potential. When we work to please and benefit others, we feel good, a sense that our existence is effective and that our activities are useful. We feel valued and our talents flourish accordingly

    • #219132

      My current software allows me only to receive pleasure through one source: my body (and by extension, my ego). So, my five senses represent a very narrow limitation for the unlimited pleasure that the Creator has in store for me. Thus, my current state of body-based, egoistic sensuality is like a tiny funnel, above which sits trillions of tons of Goodness – sweetness, joy, pleasure, and light – that can only pass through the pipe of my individual ego in tiny granules at a time because the passage through this funnel will not allow the maximum amount of delight to pass through.

      In order to break this bottleneck of my ego/body, I need new software that will make it possible to identify not with my own “too solid flesh,” but with the collective of ego of humanity. By identifying with others, rather than myself and my selfish needs, and by seeing my true identity in the wishes, wants, and needs of 7.5 billion bodies (rather than just one), I will broaden the scope of my will-to-receive so immensely that all of the Goodness that the Creator had originally intended for me will flow freely through this immeasurably widened passage, from my own tiny, individual ego, to the collective Ego of humanity.


    • #191159

      My current software of receiving for maximum benefit for myself never realizes the intention leaving me experiencing a form of emptiness or maybe incompleteness. So I am here now in these courses working to change the software then evaluate the results. I am putting the effort in these courses with desire to be more like the creator, and faith in this path is building as much internal change is happening ie. deeper understanding and compassion for this ego of mine that has struggled and grasped at illusions to have hand return empty creating much internal chaos, noise, and ultimately loneliness.

    • #190333

      My own desires are really strong, but still limited to my own taste. But there are lots of other possible tastes of others who are really strong. In history we achieved notging without others. Even the device in my hand allowing me to watch your videos and write this is the result if many countries’ efforts. So my own taste  and perspective might be really strong, but it is limited, whereas the sum of all desires outside of me is unlimited and never filled up or canceled.

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