Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 265 through 270 (of 992 total)
  • Author
    • #55336
      c calahorrano

      Hi, My name is Cristina
      I want to have answer about all those questions that we as humans beings we ask for… the meaning of our lives in this world, what is the purpose that Im here and all the existential questions and the need to fullfill all those questions in my life.

    • #55320

      Hi All!   Although I grew up in a Southern Baptist church, I rejected the teachings but have always been a seeker.  I’ve studied theology and practiced various religions, but it was not until I experienced “God” that my life changed and my Spirit was truly open to the connection, to love.  After studying in Israel in the late 90’s, I became curious but was taught that it was essentially off limits.  Since then, I have been curious and I am now I am ready to learn and apply it.

    • #55319

      Hi All!  I have been curious about Kabbalah for many years, but now I am ready to learn and apply it.

    • #55312
      Clancy Birrell

      Hiya, my name is Clancy Birrell. I like that there is an EL in my surname. I currently reside in Brisbane Australia. I aim to achieve enlightenment in this lifetime. I have a spark inside me that has been switched on and I have a longing to meet and become my true Self that so far seems inexhaustible.

    • #55286

      My name is chimuanya Mbaraonye I live in San Antonio Texas United state of America.I have been following kaballa for a while now and am open to learn and grow.

    • #55207

      My name is Jim. I live in Indianapolis Indiana. I’m interested in spiritual and philosophical growth.

Viewing 6 posts - 265 through 270 (of 992 total)
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