Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 986 total)
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    • #56234

      Hi Friends.  I found Kabbalah when friend of my brother gave me a Zohar. I followed up a few years later with beginning to study at the Kabbalah Centre.  I have never had a stable foundation in life, even from my youth, and this prevented me from going deeper in my studies although I learned enough to know this is what I want. In time, and thanks to Google, I also found KabU.  I have a lot of unanswered questions and so I have started and stopped a couple times now.  This is my 3rd beginning again here. I wasn’t sure about restarting again and I listened to a video clip a Friend posted on her FB page of the RAV and before he finished speaking I got the biggest smile of my face, so much joy just filled me up, and I signed up again here to start from scratch and learn it again. Grateful to be here (again). Mary

    • #56154

      Hi Friends

      My Name is Orlando Marrero. Husband of  1, Father of 3 living in Puerto Rico for a couple of years now. About to retire from VA Medical Center and on this path for a couple of years and just can’t get enough of this wisdom. Hope you all stay and hopefully we all will learn more about each other. This is the school of connection, WELCOME !

    • #56107

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello. I am from Asia. So a little reserved. A Christian by birth. Seeking knowledge. And perhaps, solace. Lost a very dear one. Hopeful.</p>

      • #56116

        Hi — my name is Chris.  I’m very interested in Kaballah and am hoping to learn more about it.  I have been working with Hospice patients for the past 20  years and find that I need a deeper spiritual foundation.  Thanks for offering this course!

    • #55976
      c calahorrano


      Hi All!

      my name is Cristina, Im seeking the truth and I want to learn more about Kaballah… I m searching the truth of God , and get deep knodledges about it. I find a meaning in life studying  Kaballah, and a deeper spirituality.


    • #55974

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hello Everyone.  I’ve been a spiritual seeker my entire life.  I was raised Catholic, but never got much fulfillment from it.  At one time in my life I considered myself an atheist; I think mostly because I got tired of searching.  To be honest, I think I’ve been depressed most of my adult life because I have never been truly fulfilled.  I’m now 41, and after a divorce, and a series of very disappointing relationships, I’m fairly cynical and just tired of going through life wondering what it’s all about. I try my best to connect with people, but I feel it’s mostly just superficial and seems like I’m just faking, pretending to be happy.  I hope this course really does develop the connection to the divine that I’ve been craving.  I NEED this connection; otherwise I will probably live out the rest of this life feeling sad and unfulfilled.</p>

      • #56494

        Great you are here now!

    • #55970

      <p style=”text-align: left;”>Hello  my name is David Mendivil  I live in Mesa AZ USA  I need to” plant myself in the correct environment” I hope this is where the meaning of that statement begins</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 247 through 252 (of 986 total)
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