Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #44801

      Born 1938 so I have been around enough to realise how important it is to love and give with an open heart……which of course is sometimes very difficult.  WW2 memories only relate to the kindness of others since my realisation of the horrors at such a young age was very limited. We did have four or five especially close shaves in those awful years. Further adventures followed.

      It would be too easy to say that it is just that simple chance has been on my side. Somehow, looking back at those times when our family has come through, the underlying feeling is that there has been some kind of shield woven from threads of protection.  Recognising this with gratitude helps.

      My Guardian Angel has the patience of Job’s wife ! …. ‘be nice up meet up and say thanks properly.

    • #44783
      Chenise Robert

      Hello everyone! “My” name is Chenise, “I” am a 30 year old mom of 2 amazing boys, a wife, employee, sister, daughter and friend. I was drawn to the Kabbalah after many years of digging for deep truths. It’s been a long journey, but one I am deeply passionate about and in my heart I have so much love and compassion for humanity, I want to help people. Something is so drawing about the Kabbalah and I have this deep sense of “knowing” that there is so much truth in it. It’s so multidimensional and non-judging.

      I hope to meet a lot of you also, I need more like-minded people in my life 🙂


      Chenise Robert

    • #44778
      Lucho Borquez

      Here from southamerica, my daugther is jew so im trying to aproach her culpture by studing


    • #44702

      Hello dear friends,

      I’m Katerina from Czech Republic. I’m excited about what this course and the Kabbalah will bring to my life. Feeling true longing to dive deeply into spiritual world, which is very close and intimate to me. This is almost first time I’m in touch with Kabbalah and it’s teaching.

      See you in the course.

      with love Káťa

    • #44701

      Hi everyone! My name is Cristina. I live in Milan. I started following Mr Laitman in instagram last year and I listen to his IGTV constantly. Each video I watch helps me get another piece of the puzzle and understand many things a little bit more. I believe that everyone has a mission in this life and it’s a while I’m trying to figure out mine. I hope to find my path and to learn more about this science.

    • #44700

      <p style=”text-align: center;”>Hi everyone! My name is Cristina. I live in Milan. I started following Mr Laitman in instagram last year and I listen to his IGTV constantly. Each video I watch helps me get another piece of the puzzle and understand many things a little bit more. I believe that everyone has a mission in this life and it’s a while I’m trying to figure out mine. I hope to find my path and to learn more about this science.</p>

Viewing 6 posts - 517 through 522 (of 991 total)
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