Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 2

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  • #32045

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 523 through 528 (of 991 total)
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    • #44677

      I questioned why so much negative energy happened in the world and why good people continue to suffer whilst those who have committed so many atrocities don’t suffer and also why good people turn a blind eye or just can’t be bothered to try help in any way they can. I’m in a very very very dark place right now and I am spiritually very gifted but even my guides have warned me I’m burning out that my soul is in so much pain I have to heal it now before it’s too late. So much bad has happened to my mom and I and we just don’t get a break so for me I’m hoping to understand why in so many ways and perhaps find some minuscule semblance of peace even for just 2 whole minutes in a day

    • #44671

      Hi. My expectation from this tutorial is that as much as possible in the country where I live, Iran. It would be very good if I could live and live only 1 hour of these days in the true sense. And I am full of emptiness !!


    • #44665
      dyke dyke

      My life never meant much to me.
      I would have gladly ended it long ago, considering that there is no purpose, no love, nothing but pain and suffering.

      Why would anyone even attempt to accept that? Why is life such a mess and suffering all abound?
      Death, to me, seemed to be the only salvation from this absolute fucking hell we call “life”.

      But, on the other hand, the notion of “there must be something else out there” never truly went away.
      And at some point, there was a realization. That life is good, that everything happened for a reason, that we all have a purpose.
      After that, I couldn’t help but love every person, every thief, every murderer and all the people that have wronged someone somewhere. All the wars, all the hunger, every broken heart on this planet are something to be loved and cherished.

      Now all I truly and deeply want is to share this gift we call “life”.
      Through this course, I am certain to find a way to do so.

      It took some time and effort to find this community (and with it the wisdom of Kabbalah), but I am convinced, that this course is a great guide, will provide incredible insight and will help us all progress in meaningful ways.

      Thank you for reading

    • #44655
      Ben Vinar

      My name is Ben. Im on the tree of life. I dont even know how I got here. I just got off the kelipot and boy does my butt hurt. Kidding, kinda, lol. Was hoping to get more direction towards ascension and raising my consciousness and perception of reality. I love hearing Tony and Micheal on youtube. They’ve gotten me through some really tough times. Thank you sooo much.

    • #44648
      Giray Ötken

      Hello everyone!

    • #44488
      asuman namutali

      Hello friends how are you doing? Am Namutali asuman a.k.a uthuman from uganda I feel super excited to be part of this course for me am on adventure and thinking out of the box

Viewing 6 posts - 523 through 528 (of 991 total)
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