Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 493 through 498 (of 633 total)
  • Author
    • #282421

      I’m Joel, Im 44 years old…
      The reason why I’m here is to find my purpose in life and to change things that need to be changed in me in order to become the best version of myself.

    • #282288
      Bonnie A. Bus

      Dear students and Tony.

      kaBU already made my life feeling worthwhile . The courses, f.i. the one of Tal Mandelbaum, that I followed, were impressing me and have helped me to get another perception on our being here. I don’t feel anymore that Isolated. Also the transition show on the Thursday’s and the Q and A wisdomshow of Tony give a lot of encouragement and insight. To learn more about Kaballah  takes time and of course the video’s of Michael Laitman are very helpful and spiritual ‘down to earth’.

      Thank you for your organisation

    • #282146
      Andrew Seifer


      My name is Andrew and I’m looking to find answers as to why I am here

    • #282138

      Hi fellow students my name is Jamie and I live in Oxford, England. As far back as I can remember I have had an interesting questions, for example why was I born, is there a higher power or are we the masters of our own existence/experience, why are we here etc etc!
      I looked into different philosophies,science and religion but nothing answered my questions satisfactorily.I had heard of Kabbalah and then Kabbalah found me on Facebook with the offer of a free course! With nothing to lose and the love of a bargain I signed up and that was the beginning of receiving the wisdom of Kabbalah! I have had an extremely interesting, sometimes mind blowing since starting studying Kabbalah but possibly the greatest gift is the fact that I am both happier and a nicer person.
      I look forward to studying with you all and best wishes for your Kabbalah wisdom to come
      Regards Jamie.

    • #282087
      Nic C

      I’m Nichole. I’m a 50 yo who has been truth seekimg for over 20 years, which has now lead to studying the Kabbalah. I hope to align with the laws of Nature through this course, and to grow my soul.

    • #282023

      Buenos días mi nombre en Henry, es muy grato compartir con todos ustedes en esta búsqueda que nos llevará al anhelado escalón espiritual de los mundos superiores.

Viewing 6 posts - 493 through 498 (of 633 total)
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