Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

New Home Forums Course Forums Perceiving Reality Course Introduce yourself Introduce yourself – Question Your Reality Part 1

  • #183236

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 481 through 486 (of 633 total)
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    • #283652

      I’m studying Kabbalah 1 & 2 ~ but have more probing deeper questions that I’d love to put into practice…

    • #283626


      i have been curious about studying Kabbalah. I took some courses in the past 20 years but it’s like I knew that something is missing. I am 58 years old. I am lost , late on every think that normal person might have. No children, no family, no no no every think. But my strength is I have hope.

      i am aware that Kabbalah is about practice of changing your consciousness, it’s about align yourself with the universal energy of our creator that comes from kether through Maltuk where we reside

    • #283625


      i have been curious about studying Kabbalah. I took some courses in the past 20 years but it’s like I knew that something is missing.

      i am aware that Kabbalah is about practice of changing your consciousness, it’s about align yourself with the universal energy of our creator that comes from kether through Maltuk where we reside

    • #283582

      I am just getting started on my understanding of Kabbalah and it has been so hard to find resources that break the system down. This is so exciting! I happened upon your Kabbalah for beginners podcast and decided to check this site out. Can’t wait to start learning!


      Stef Nicholson

    • #283439
      Leif Anders Larsen

      Hi, I´m a spiritual seeker looking forward to be learning more about myself and the world around me

    • #282950

      Hi I’m Ozie. I don’t know what I expect of the course. I just know I seem to be drawn to it and afraid of it at the same time.

Viewing 6 posts - 481 through 486 (of 633 total)
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