Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 349 total)
  • Author
    • #332992

      Hi, I am Stephen from the UK. I have only been studying for a few months but wanted to go deeper into the Zohar, and this seems the best way to get the beginning of a grounding in its mysteries.

    • #332255

      Hi, this is Melanie, been a student of Kabbalah for twenty plus years. Introduced to it back in the mid 90’s and felt connected to its teachings. Look forward to entering the Zohar.

    • #332199

      Hello, I’m Fred. I’m looking forward to studying kabbalah with you.

    • #332177

      Hello everyone, I am Shadi from Jordan. I look forward to expanding my knowledge of spirituality and understanding of the Book of Zohar and how I can move forward in my life for the better.

    • #331978

      Good Afternoon, I am from Dallas Texas. I come from a mix religious back ground. Up on studding Jewish religion I came across Kabbalah. I was curious about it so I order a book for beginners wrote by Brian Yosef Schachter-Brooks. This opened my eyes up into another world, a world I have known, a world I use knowing but couldn’t explain. I want to learn more so  that why I found these on-line classes to help me learn, utilize the power and to teach my family.

    • #331897
      patrick diederich

      Hello, I am Patrick. I have always been wondering about the influence of Kabbalah on western culture. So I am very glad to have found this study group. Looking forward the lessons, wish you all a lot of fun with your studies and exchanging!

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 349 total)
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