Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • #29724

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 422 total)
  • Author
    • #377335

      Hi everybody, my name is Helen and I am from Southern California. I am 6month or so into learning Kabbalah, and looking forward to learning with everybody here.

    • #377188

      Hi, love to everyone. it’s Lillu. I’m happy to be here. I’m living in Morocco at the moment and it’s here I got to know the group and started watching the YouTube channel. I’m drawn to Kabbalah as I would like humanity to connect to the Creator and my dream is that we can live connected and in peace as One with each other.

    • #377166
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      A question for Seth or any KabUinstructor, I would like to know “which” rendering of the Zohar is used by and written about by Baal Hasalam. I have the sonicor edition of Zohar, but was told it is para-phrased. I wish to purchase a copy of Zohar that is recomended by KabU. Please help 🙂

    • #377163

      Hello everyone

      My name is Neda. I’m originally from Iran and I live in London. I am looking forward to studying Zohar.

    • #377078

      I’m Luke and I’m looking forward to studying kabbalah and the Zohar in more depth

    • #376559
      Philip Iyov Ecks

      Hello, I’m Phil and I live in the Yukon. I have always had a desire for supernal knowledge and wisdom, since I was a boy. I found and began to study and learn Kabbalah, Torah, Zohar some 3 years ago and I honestly believe that this is the only real wisdom humankind posses. I have the soncino edition of Zohar, and it is wonderful. Looking forward to the study.



Viewing 6 posts - 61 through 66 (of 422 total)
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