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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 6,398 total)
  • Author
    • #428786

      Hello,  I am Audrey from Mauritius.  I got to know about Kabbalah recently as i was getting through some hard times.  The little things that i have learned helped me to accept  things as they are.  Today, i would like to dive more into the wisdom of Kabbalah.

    • #428779

      Hello I am Isabel from Chile , now living in Israel

      I am looking for learning to live doing the right things

      shalom 🫶

    • #428727

      Hi, Marina here don’t know much about Kabbalah,looks interesting!

      Thought it would be a good thing to learn something new, about a knowledge from long ago.



    • #428725

      Hi ! I’m Aby a pensioner living in Israel. Married with three kids and eight grandkids. Good luck to us all in getting an insight into this intriguing subject.

    • #428724

      Hi there, it’s Val here from Ontario. 👋💜
      When I saw this I jumped right in knowing I wanted to learn about Kabbalah. I am a learner of many things as I accept within me all that feels right for me. I have seen much ado about Kabbalah in the past so here I am myself ready to learn. It comes when the student is ready. Many Blessings to All!🌸💜🌸

    • #428721

      Hello/ Shalom/Salam, My name is Salma. A retired health care worker and teacher.  I am a forever student, curious now to learn about the mystic and esoteric practices of various religions and philosophies. I am fascinated by the commonalities found in each, be it Sufism or Kabbalah. Cant wait to get started.

Viewing 6 posts - 91 through 96 (of 6,398 total)
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