Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,105 through 1,110 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #392106
      Lucas Barros

      Olá meu nome é Lucas, sou do Brasil. EStou aqui para aprender mais em como me relacionar com o criador.

    • #392037
      Jacques Toulemonde


      my name is Jacques. I’m a French-Colombian film director and writer. I’ve been in a path of self discovery for some time now, and I want to understand the wisdom and magic behind Kabbalah.

    • #391913

      Hello I’m Enrique, I’ve wanted to learn more of Kabbalah for a long time and I’m looking forward to get a good path to do it

    • #391906

      Hello, my name is Adriano and I’m from Brazil.

    • #391892

      Hi Ian Laura Arias from Mexico.

    • #391676
      Sima Lodrik

      Hi !  I am Sima

      I want to learn more about Kabbalah.  I am looking forward to be part of the courses.


Viewing 6 posts - 1,105 through 1,110 (of 6,426 total)
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