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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,507 through 1,512 (of 6,426 total)
  • Author
    • #372856
      Julian San

      Hello, my name is Andrea Matisse. I am a mother of 5 boys,51 years old, studying religion I came across Kabbalah. Very interested I have taken courses That appeared to be very superficial, and I am hoping that this will shed some light on a lot of things

    • #372708

      Hi, my name is Katiuana. I am 26. I am from the US, North Carolina specifically. I have been a member of KabU since around 2017, but at the time I hadn’t developed the will to truly study Kabbalah. Since then I have studied many spiritual paths, traditions, and doctrines. They all contained some value, but none contain the promise that Kabbalah seems to. I am now ready to embark on this journey.

    • #372675
      Francois Bernard

      i am Francois Bernard, i am 67 year old. When i was 25  i got in touch with the Kabbalah, but i got things wrong… lack of maturity i guess! Now, i am really challenge because meanwhile i got a stroke… a bad one! But i am still interested, because i feel that there is something out there…

    • #372665
      michael moses

      I’m michael moses,  from Pittsburgh pa. My family is originally from Israel.  Im blessed to have the opportunity to connect and get to know  u all and share timeless sharings!

    • #372635

      Hello everyone. My name is Nada. I went through awakening around 2 years ago and tried to make sense of many things around me. I felt guided to study the Kabbalah. I expect to be able to make sense of life and shape my reality after this course. Thanks ❤️

    • #372633

      Hello, my name is Sue, I’m 67 and I’m  from the UK. I have always wondered what Kabbalah is. I am here to learn the understanding of it, and what it can teach me about life itself. I don’t know anything about Kabbalah and look forward to learn more.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,507 through 1,512 (of 6,426 total)
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