Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #428496

      Hello! My name is Oana, I am 40 years old, from Romania and I am studying nursing. I have heard about Kabbalah, but never dived into it. My grandmother’s parents converted to Christianity from Judaism te escape persecution. I am curious about what Kabbalah is, I think it can bring posipositive things in my life and I am thrilled to see so many people from different parts of the world.

    • #428474

      Shalom, my name is Esther Eden, I am from the United States  and I am an orthodox sephardic jewish. I am a mathematician and my hobbies are: learning more math, yoga, going on walks, dancing (I love Noa Kirel and Eden Golan!!) and I cook everything I eat (Everything lol!!!). Right now it is morning here in colorado and I am making shakshuka for breakfast. I take Kabbalah studies on Tuesdays with my rabbi at chabad and I really enjoy it. I am excited to meet you all!

    • #428473

      Hi, I’m Sally from Pittsburgh. I’m looking forward to this study

    • #428469

      Hi, my name is Mar from France. I search wisdom and inner peace.

    • #428467

      Hi ! my name is Reza and I am a teacher of philosophy and cognition . I have always been interested in understanding Kabala and its way of life . I am here to learn and appreciate this fundamental system .

    • #428466

      Hola, this is Allets from California, I’m 73 years old going through the cruel reality of being a senior. I am experiencing confusion, sadness, and many unanswered questions about life.
      I ran into this offer to learn a new path to my questions. I know I will learn a lot and I love the opportunity to join.

Viewing 6 posts - 157 through 162 (of 6,419 total)
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