Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,855 through 1,860 (of 6,416 total)
  • Author
    • #356599

      Hi everyone,

      long line of coincidences and curiosity got me here 🙂

      been going through some turbulent times and what I’m only hoping – transitioning in the better version of myself.


    • #356588

      Would simply like to attain the keys to success so that I may better serve the people of this world

    • #356579
      wogono tongono

      I want KKabbalah to be the fundaments of my spirituspiritual prpractice

    • #339879

      Hello everyone!

      I have been interested in spiritual topics since I was a child but truly had my first awakening moment at 2017 when my whole life seamed to crumble. Every aspect and area of my life was completely turned over and it felt like the old me had died, I now realize it was an ego death and all that was nessesary to bring me closer to my self and the Source. Since then I’ve been searching the ultimate ”truth” and purpose of everything.  A while ago I started to get these recomended videos on Youtube about Kabbalah and Judaism so I started listening and felt like there is a lot of wisdom to learn  and felt guided to dive deeper into it so really Kabbalah found me.

      Happy and honored to be here learning with all of you! 😊

      Kind regards

      Jenni, Finland

    • #339871

      I want to study Kabbalah to form better answers as to why we are here and what is expected of us.

    • #339864


      I want to study Kabbalah

Viewing 6 posts - 1,855 through 1,860 (of 6,416 total)
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