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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,873 through 1,878 (of 6,403 total)
  • Author
    • #339120
      Valery Dorcelus

      Hi my name is Valery, I was looking for some videos about the kabbalah, I did the follow up with the advertising link, I am interested to know about it.

    • #339115
      Dian Rivkah

      Hello, my name is Diana Rivkah.
      I found KabU on Instagram, I saw a video, so I clicked to join in. I love studying everything what is connected with th soul and spirit and about why we are here and from where the souls comes, and where we will go after. I think that understanding all of this, will help us do our mission better in this world, and we ll prepare better for the next life.

    • #339104
      Rani Mahelona

      Hi my name is Rani. I had a religious upbringing but left all of it about 15 years ago and have been on quite the journey of discovery through my indigenous roots of the pacific islands. I have recently felt a pull towards the Hebrew language and kabbalah, so here I am! Very excited to be here and very much looking forward to diving in deeper!

    • #339096

      ı am yunus, ı am very curious about kabbalah, what kind of thing is included?

    • #339093
      Ronny Cervantes

      Hello Everyone,

      My name is Ronny Cervantes and I live in Lee, Florida. I have been studying spiritual science mostly by myself for about five years. The wisdom of Kabbalah has always grasped me and pulled me in to learn more. I have studied other types of wisdom and mysticism and they all point to Kabbalah as a root source. So now I look forward to learning as a group together and further the wisdom of Kabbalah some more. Thank you.

    • #339088

      I’m David G from near Seattle in the USA. Though I participate somewhat several years in Kabbalah studies here, only now I finish Kabbalah revealed 1 and 2.


      See you in Kabbalah in action.

Viewing 6 posts - 1,873 through 1,878 (of 6,403 total)
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