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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,107 through 2,112 (of 6,440 total)
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    • #335100

      I’m Dave in MA. I’m a solar energy consultant and part-time jazz drummer. I’ve been dabbling in Kabbalah for a few years and feel it’s time to take a structured course. Looking forward to participating with everyone!

    • #335091

      My name is Pete and I am from San Antonio, Texas. I have am a Licensed Professional Counselor and I have been a public high school Principal.
      i have had an interest in Kabbalah since my undergraduate years. I am a person of pe faith, but I have always felt there was more. I have done much research and reading on Kabbalah, and I am hoping to further expand my understanding .

    • #335071

      Hi, I’m Milos. I am from Serbia. I wanted a lot, and with the fulfillment of the wish I saw that I didn’t need it. Now I expect to get the need for the right desire

    • #335060


      Om Gedalyahu, I’m so thankful for each of you and our sharing this path. I’m retired for the second time and now I am able to spend a bit more time in my passions.

    • #335055

      Hi Everyone,

      My goal in learning Kaballah is to find the meaning of my life. Firstly I got impression that Kaballah is only for Jews, but after read some articles I found that it is for everyone. Since I was a kid , I had a passion for history and anything related to ancient times. Unlike the other “method” I think Kaballah very unique, it still exist through the millenium.

      Hope I could share the joy and happiness of learning Kaballah with others

    • #334948

      Hi from Australia.  My name is Sue.  I have been searching for the reason for our being since the 1970’s!  I heard about Kabbalah, probably in the early 80’s but at that time it was considered a mystical subject and I really didn’t understand it’s purpose.  Having studied many different subjects to find an answer to my questions and a reason for my hardships in life – subjects such as hypnosis, The Secret, Kundalini, various methods of spiritual attainment, Affirmations, etc – I guess I finally formed my prayer correctly and ended up right back here!  Oh, how I wish this was available in the 70’s.
      I am so eager to learn and finally find some peace and reconciliation and understanding in and of life.  Thank you for the opportunity and for providing this knowledge in such an open and honest way.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,107 through 2,112 (of 6,440 total)
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