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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #299530

      Hello! I’m Lucille from The Philippines. I heard about Kabbalah just last year. I also started my mysticism journey last year. I believe that learning Kabbalah would help me in this journey. Thank you in advance!

    • #299521

      My name is Nick from Los Angeles. I first heard of Kabbalah when I was a child, in the early 90s, but never really had a way to learn it. I am so happy I found KabU! I would love to understand and apply the teachings of Authentic Kabbalah to bring a more fulfilling life.

    • #299518
      William Downes

      Hello, my name is Will also, I would like to understand what Kabbalah actually is. I have read some books, but they seem to be confusing. I can understand my culture, but I would like to know if it comes close to anything in Kabbalah.

    • #299498
      Tracey N

      Hello all,

      My name is Tracey from Northern Ireland. I grew up here during times of sectarian and political violence, the source of which dates back many centuries. After a terrible escalation of death and destruction in the 1990’s, and after much protesting of the people, an agreement was reached between the various groups, to call an end to the violence. This fragile peace has been shaken by numerous isolated incidents but has generally held good thus far. Despite the relative state of quiet there is still a deep-seated sectarianism in the minds of many people here. They still live in separate areas of our cities and the children attend different schools. There is an atmosphere of distrust. Politicians play on this situation to benefit themselves and their wealthy and influential friends.

      When  I look at situations around the world I can see that this attitude between people is, by no means limited to us here. I know our species can do so much better and that the only possible answer lies in our relationships with each other and the Creator. I hope to learn how to cultivate such relationships and to spread this attitude to others.

    • #299493
      Will Orellana

      Hello everyone, my name is Will. I’m from the USA. I wanted to take this course before reading and studying the Zohar. Like everyone else here, I’m wanting to have answers to critical existential questions.

    • #299465
      RJ2 CELL

      olá meu nome é guttemberg nunes gabriel , eu sei que o caminho do conhecimento é como a arvore de vida ou seja tudo que temos do conhecimento temos que esquecer e temos que ter um recomeço do zero .

      saber que toda base do conhecimento vem de YEHÓVÁH ele deu tudo isso a nosso patriarca moshe e ele repassou aos outros . com tudo todos os estudos e bençãos recitadas tem que ter o nome santo de YEHÓVÁH Deus para que surta efeito por que todas as benções tem que ter o nome divino YEHÓVÁH .

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