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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,317 through 2,322 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #329670

      Hi Simona here.  Long time seeker.


    • #329661

      Just wanting to learn more and to know more about God.

    • #329656

      Hi, I’m Erick.

      My own situation brought me here, half of my family got in to Judaism beliefs more than 15 years ago, not my case but I always knew and feel something special about it, it wasn’t my time. After discussing how I felt with my mom and reading “the point in the heart” by Dr Laitman, all the special moments through my life that marked my being, spiritually, become clearer, I strayed, I was lost, carried by the mundane current of our present world until that moment when I realised this path, the real path I was longing for all these years, I consider my self that this was the most unique, important and special moment in my life. I wish all of you the best and that you find yourselves on this path.

    • #329543

      Hi folks , my name is John from Canada , I’m looking forward to this course in Kabbalah

      to bring me closer to the creator and to myself .




    • #329542

      Hi, I am Italian American and. Yoga teacher . I am interested in Jewish culture and religion. I took a few courses about Genesis and Kabbalah. I am looking forward to deepening my knowledge. Grateful to be in this group

    • #329520

      Hi Everybody,

      My name is Michele, I’m 58 years old, I am Italian, I am Catholic, but I am fascinating by Hebrew culture. I have Deep Roots in Catholicism, but since 2015 I have Started My spiritual Journey in the wisdom of the ho’oponopono. I often read the weekly parasha and It is Always interesting for me. Now I would like to study the Cabala to learn more.

      In my city we have ‘ la cabala del lotto ‘ a book of popular beliefs used to bet on the lottery but I know the Kabala is a technique to read the Bible and to go forward God.  I know who I am and and I have my path, but i would like to learn more.

      Thank you for this course.


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