Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,311 through 2,316 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #316098
      Wayne Nicholson

      Hello, my name is Wayne, and I am from Toronto, Ontario. I was introduced to the Kabbalah through a Buddhist lama well versed in the Kabbalah. A journey was started with this lama and also through Manley P. Hall and the Philosophical Research Society.

      I look forward to studying the Kabbalah by itself and hopefully applying my past learnings with the said above.

      Also, I am Deaf and use American Sign Language. I enrolled in these courses because Google created the auto-captioning function. However, Google’s captioning process only captions in the automatic mode. This means that the captions may only capture words that are within the English language or not be able to caption with those who speak with an accent. Forgive me in advance if I ask for clarifications on the spelling or the actual word itself.

      All in all, I am excited!

    • #316056
      Carlos Pombo

      Hello, my name is Carlos Pombo and very recently I watched some Youtube videos from KabU which caused me a growing desire to study Kabalah as it may explain some recent changes in my spiritual sense. Hope to gather with you all and grow together!

    • #316030
      Cairista Mac

      Hi my name is Màiri. Over the past couple of years I’ve become fascinated with the wisdom of Kabbalah and hope to get more of an in depth look into it in order to broaden my own knowledge and learn how to better apply the teachings in my own life.

    • #316024

      Hello World Kli! Im Paul and have been studying Kabbalah for 5 years. Im so thankful for KabU, Rav and all of you, the friends. The adhesion with the Creator is the only goal. So excited to see what the Creator has in store for me on the second go around! many blessings.

    • #316016

      Beloved souls,

      I am pleased to meet you all, my name is Talia.

      I am grateful to be here with you all, to explore the divine wisdom of Kabbalah.

    • #316008

      Hello. my name is Robin.  I have been in Hebrew Scrolls Academy for a year.  I was introduced to Kabbalah.  I want to learn more about it!

Viewing 6 posts - 2,311 through 2,316 (of 5,901 total)
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