Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,311 through 2,316 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #329765

      Hi! I’m Maria. I’m a beginner, but long-time seeker, excited to learn more. Thank you for this opportunity!

    • #329762

      Hi! I’m Josh, and I watched the original Kabbalah series with Mr. Kosinec on YouTube many years ago when spirituality first bloomed inside me in what felt to be a more true way. There was a deep intuitive truth that I felt from the course which has been with me as I have deepened in my spiritual journey, but there was also a level of obscurity that kept me from fully receiving it. I am here in large part to feel if I can receive this updated version from a deeper space.

    • #329704

      Hi, I am Andra and have been on a spiritual seeking path for as long as I can remember. Even as a child. Very much looking forward to what I can learn here. Thank you!

    • #329699

      hi i am davison,

      i am excited to be part of this journey, and thank you for having me.

      i would like to learn more about our creator, myself and his creation.

      warm regards,


    • #329692
      Wilbur Suero

      Hi, I’m Wilbur Suero.

      I’m looking to understand more about the spiritual world, the meaning of life and how to know my purpose in life. Really excited to learn more.

      Thank you for this course

    • #329685

      Hi, I’m Chelsey. Hoping to deepen my understanding of and connection to the universe. I’m looking for tools that can help me surrender and get the most joy as I can out of life. I tend to let the bigger things humanity is experiencing get me down. Excited for this course after watching the Perceiving Reality video! I’ve studied many eastern religions and feel that spirituality is the most important factor in my happiness, but I have times where I feel depressed and disconnected..and even confused. These can last months. I do have a complicated relationship with religion because I was raised in a christian cult, but that doesn’t change my love for spirituality and the magic of the universe. I’m really hoping this will help me out of the rut I’m in! Thanks for reading!

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