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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #329520

      Hi Everybody,

      My name is Michele, I’m 58 years old, I am Italian, I am Catholic, but I am fascinating by Hebrew culture. I have Deep Roots in Catholicism, but since 2015 I have Started My spiritual Journey in the wisdom of the ho’oponopono. I often read the weekly parasha and It is Always interesting for me. Now I would like to study the Cabala to learn more.

      In my city we have ‘ la cabala del lotto ‘ a book of popular beliefs used to bet on the lottery but I know the Kabala is a technique to read the Bible and to go forward God.  I know who I am and and I have my path, but i would like to learn more.

      Thank you for this course.


    • #329512

      Hi, i’m tytti from finland. been studying different religions and philosophies inside and out, some only from surface and some a bit deeper level more or less over 20 years, but never have had a need to ‘belong’ in any kind of groups of people interested in same issues relating to this field/spiritual growth. it’s been a lonely road so far. i found kabu through youtube and now i joined this course so i guess this is my first ever ‘group’ of like-minded people linked to this kind of interest somehow. my english outcome isn’t the best, but i’m following.

    • #329508

      I am Adam and I am performing kintsukuroi (the golden repair).

      I had been raised by religious lunatics in a mid-west town where I had been tortured and tormented into being whatever ‘they’ wanted me to be and now it’s my pleasure and journey to kintsukuroi the mind and soul and find my tribe.


    • #329503

      Hi, I’m crazy to understand the meaning of life, love, God, ..why are we here?.. nothing else matters

    • #329492

      Hi, my name is Henrik from Denmark. I was drawn in by my interest in the Zohar, but would like to refresh my basic knowledge in Kabbalah too.

    • #329442
      zoran malinov

      My name is Zoran.

      I want to understand the meaning of life

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