Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,515 through 2,520 (of 5,889 total)
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    • #311142

      Hello, my name is Joyce and my husband’s name is Roy. We have embarked on our spiritual journey, with much more emphasis in the past 2 years. I attended a webinar with Avraham  Sutton, and have several of his books, including Spiritual Technology.. We are interested in the “truth” and are a search..looking forward to studying more about Kabbalah, as we realize it is not a religion… we do not “follow” ANY religion..but started out as fundamentalist Christians, then moved to Messianic Christians, and now we claim no “titles” ..

    • #311112

      Oi gostaria de saber como faço para fazer o curso?

      • #311563

        Hi Johan,

        The course started, if you’re having technical difficulties accessing the course, you can get technical support using the “Need Help” button on the bottom right. Alternatively you can also email [email protected] for technical support.

        And if you’re interested in taking this course in a different language, check out our portal site:

        Albert @ KabU

    • #311108

      <span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Oi meu nome é johan. </span><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Tou muito curioso e animado para fazer o curso de cabala.</span></span>

    • #311105

      Hello friends,

      My name is Justin. I’m 29 years old writing to you all from South Carolina. I’m really excited to delve into the wisdom of Kabbalah. As a Christian, I feel so much is left out of our understanding from the Jewish backbone of our faith. My hopes are to unravel the mysteries within this wisdom and take its principles to apply and teach them to others who feel their understanding is unquenched.

    • #311097

      Hi, I’m Clara (born Codruta), I live in Germany and I was attracted from the wisdom and spirit of Kabbalah. I am studying and practising A Course in Miracles for over 11 years now, so I am used to observe and recognize dynamics of the mind. I am excited to start and experience the way of Kabbalah with you.

    • #311059

      Hello! I’m Desirée from Sweden, looking forward to learn about Kabbalah!

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