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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,509 through 2,514 (of 5,894 total)
  • Author
    • #311345
      Dina Aronov

      Hello Everyone, I am Dina from Florida. I have been reading up on Kabbalah and listening to Dr Michael Laitman for a few year snow  but in pieces. Finally I made the decision  to learn it the right way and to contact with like minded individuals. Looking forward to this spiritual journey <3 🙂

      • #311523

        Hi Sean, I welcome you here, on my own behalf, because I’m just beginning this course too. I’m from the State of Florida in the U.S., and greatly appreciate learning there are others seeking higher knowledge too. I am an older Seeker, but I’ve been on this path a very long time. It does require a bit of time and dedication, but I can assure you, it will well be worth your time.

    • #311340
      Denis Sarmento

      Hi, I am Denis from Brazil and it has been some time I have been focusing more on the spiritual path rather than the illusion and superficial need from the so-called material world. I hope to get some kore insights along the learning live path. Thanks for sharing this knowledge.

      • #311522

        Hi Dina, I’m from Florida also, just began today. I’ve been studying various spiritual teachings all my life, always seeking higher knowledge than what is given in our Sunday School. I think it is a good thing to know a few others who began a certain teaching at about the same time. So I invite you to comment or ask questions, or just communicate with each other, if you feel you need to just talk. I wish you great Blessings as you delve into the sacred Kaballah.

    • #311338

      I’m just a curious Christian

    • #311324
      Michael Williams


      Mike here and I just am tuning in to get an updated version of these insights, and of course to become cool like the zohar.

    • #311314

      Hi i am Todd and I would like to learn more.

    • #311261
      Markus Lovecraft

      Hello Markus is my name from Australia Melbourne I am just starting to read the Bible so I thought I should start to do this properly,I tried once before but I’ll health and COVID stopped me,also I found it hard to understand but now that I’m committed I will learn much more.
      I’m glad you all have come to learn too.thankyou fot invited me to learn again with you all!

Viewing 6 posts - 2,509 through 2,514 (of 5,894 total)
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