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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,497 through 2,502 (of 5,893 total)
  • Author
    • #311907

      I’m Brandon. I’m not 100% sure why I’m here, but hopefully that will become clearer.

    • #311850
      Paul David

      Paul David here..

      older, not wiser lol..looking to change that!

    • #311762

      Hello to everyone,

      It was a very long time to decide study Kabbalah. When I saw the Western Wall, I felt a very different thing which I did not feel before. It was a very different kind of poise. Then I visited there for many times and the emotion was the same. After many years, I feel the same poise. So I think it is time to learn the methodologic way of Kabbalah.

      Have a great time of understanding.


    • #311685
      Oliver Ursu


      I want to learn the sixth sense in order to perceive more of reality.


      Oliver Ursu

    • #311642
      Karim C

      Hello, my name is Karim and I live in Pennsylvania USA. The past few years I’ve been troubled with how much it seems my culture and society have been “dumbed down.”.  About six months ago I prayed for more wisdom in my life.

      I have always loved languages and I recently watched a YouTube on Hebrew. I was utterly fascinated by the fact that this language has spiritual roots and has not changed for a few thousand years. I have a very analytical mind and I thought that I might be able to finally use some of my analytical skills to further my spirituality.


      Thanks so much for sharing.

    • #311588
      Richsphere 560

      Hello all, my name is Ralph, and I hail from Kraków. I joined this course because of my interest in spirituality and also to understand how certain miraculous activities has happened in my life.


Viewing 6 posts - 2,497 through 2,502 (of 5,893 total)
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