Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,599 through 2,604 (of 5,893 total)
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    • #308993

      Hello fellow students! I go by “TreH” (pronounced “Tray”), and my nick-name is carbon-fiber TreH because I have a carbon-fiber plate in my head, as of 9 months ago.

      I’m not shy about it, nor “grisled” & or “sour” in any way over it. I am constantly determined to “Feel good now,” so I’ve done considerable amounts of meditation & various other methods of “self-work” to otherwise heal and maintain a positive outlook on life.


      I’m single now, after being dragged away from my foreign wife by men with guns and deported from her home country of Indonesia, where I was teaching English as a Second Language (TESL, also abbreviated by some as “TEFL,” meaning “Teacher of English as a Foreign Language” — but that was nearly 10 years ago now. We’ve each clearly moved on.

      I only decided trying to teach English as a Second Language as an excuse to travel the world…optimally “on my employer’s dime,” as the saying goes, after having no luck finding work in computer programming, which is what I got a Bachelor’s of Science in right after attaining the 6-pack abs I’m sporting in my profile picture, taken now just over a decade ago.

      Wow… all summarized just like that in my introduction, it seems like a lot… and I didn’t even mention anything about working in the PRC, nor the time I recovered from paralysis…nor anything about my EPIC stay in Hong Kong SAR, back when it was still a sovereign nation from the PRC…AH well, more for you amazing fellow seekers to inquire about me LATER! 😀 <3

    • #308990

      Hello I’m Cynthia- I am taking this course as I need extra help in understanding Kabbalah- I hope to receive more light in my life

    • #308963
      Edward Moriarty

      Hi. I’m Frank and am here to learn and try to understand Kabala.

    • #308962
      Edward Moriarty

      Hi. I’m Frank. I’m here to learn and try to understand Kabbalah.

    • #308961
      Sandra Milicevic

      Hello.My name is Sandra

      Sombody from spirit sent me kabala Word.I start think about that and l wont to learn more.My english is not so good and l dont know can l inderstend

    • #308960

      Hi I’m interested in learning about Kabalah.

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