Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,593 through 2,598 (of 6,442 total)
  • Author
    • #321657

      Hi, my name is Julia. I’m here to develop the point in my heart.

    • #321644
      Noah Van Hooser

      Hello. I am a lifelong spiritual seeker and, currently, a Zen practitioner. I have stumbled upon Kabbalah rather fortuitously, and am eager to probe this great tradition for wisdom regarding the self and the cosmos.

    • #321462


      I’m Lewis, during the covid pandemic of 2020 I had an intense spiritual experience brought on by meditation, binaural beats and experimentation with psychedelic substances. This has lead me on a journey of self-education through various schools of thought ranging from chaos magick to witchcraft and even Kabbalah. I’m excited to discover this course at this juncture in my lifetime.

    • #321451

      Likes fish and chips. Hates cruelty, hypocrisy, and tyranny.

    • #321435

      Hi everyone! My name is Rick. I have previously studied Kabbalah through books Dr Laitman wrote and various videos.  I signed up for this course to systematically learn to develop spiritually and connect with the creator on a deeper spiritual level.

    • #321422

      My name is Brian Elkins. I am interested in Kabbalah because it is a wisdom unlike I have ever been exposed to in a sea of idolatry, and myth. Breaking the chains of fear and threatening of con-artist ‘religious professionals.” Climbing the Sulam Ladder to Ein Sof.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,593 through 2,598 (of 6,442 total)
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