Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,683 through 2,688 (of 6,398 total)
  • Author
    • #318704

      Salut je suis ton amis

    • #318658

      Oi. Me chamo Alexandre e estou interessado em saber sobre o sentido da minha vida. Venho buscar essa e outras respostas com o estudo da Sabedoria da Cabala.


    • #318634

      I am Dan from Kenya,l in search of deep knowledge and understanding of life.

    • #318633

      Hey l am Dan

    • #318516
      C.A. Burns

      Hello World!

      My name is Cody Burns, and hopefully you’ll learn all the ways my name rings true 🙂 I first started studying with Bnei Baruch in 2010! I’ve been to many a‘Congress and sat with a physical group (Miami, FL) from 2012 – 2016.  I’ve been studying, but I have not been contributing, since I moved from Miami.  I felt it’s time for me to bring more balance to this system I call life, and to reconnect to my RAV and also the world Kli, so I recently reached out to an old friend and he suggested I go through KabU to get reconnected to the virtual Kli.

      I’m here because it’s the desire of my friends.  They want me to want spirituality, and, well, here we are!  I have a deep burning desire to sing and dance and raise a L’Chayim in the name of The Name with Bnei Baruch.

      L’Chayim, Bnei Baruch!

    • #318504
      Franklin Awuku

      Hello I’m Franklin from Ghana

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