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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,677 through 2,682 (of 5,893 total)
  • Author
    • #307701

      Been reading the Attaining the Worlds Beyond book, and expect to continue to discover The Zohar and Kabbalah

    • #307699
      Malik Supreme

      Peace & Blessings to ALL…


      My name is Malik Supreme, and Eye am originally from Newark, NJ and living currently in Metro-Atlanta, GA… recently took a online course on Kabbalah and found it to be very uplifting, enlightening and interesting to say the least. As Eye seek further on this quest/journey to learn more about the DEEP/INNER me it seems that Eye am led to enhance this Ancient Wisdom commonly known today as KABBALAH!!!

    • #307696

      Blessing to all,

      I am Elson Au.I have studied and participated in various religions since my youth and I am still searching.

      I hope that Kabbalah can lead me to a path of knowing God and inner transformation.


    • #307680

      Blessings to all.

      I’m here because of Tony Kosinec. I’ve done the whole Kabala Reveilved on YT and was hoping to get more directed study from the man in the know. Personally, what would sum me up the best is: a life long spiritual seeker and practitioner. From astrology to cymatics – all that brings closer to self realisation.

      You can call me Danie 🙂


    • #307679

      Blessings to all.

      I’m here because of Tony Kosinec. I’ve done the whole Kabala Reveilved on YT and was hoping to get more directed study from the man in the know. Personally, what would sum me up the best is: a life long spiritual seeker and practitioner. From astrology to cymatics – all that brings closer to self realisation.

      You can call me Danie 🙂  the path behind me


    • #307678

      Blessings to all.

      I’m here because of Tony Kosinec. I’ve done the whole Kabala Reveilved on YT and was hoping to get more directed study from the man in the know. Personally, what would sum me up the best is: a life long spiritual seeker and practitioner. From astrology to cymatics – all that brings closer to self realisation.

      You can call me Danie 🙂  Behind me


Viewing 6 posts - 2,677 through 2,682 (of 5,893 total)
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