Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,671 through 2,676 (of 5,881 total)
  • Author
    • #307677

      Blessings to all.

      I’m here because of Tony Kosinec. I’ve done the whole Kabala Reveilved on YT and was hoping to get more directed study from the man in the know. Personally, what would sum me up the best is: a life long spiritual seeker and practitioner. From astrology to cymatics – all that brings closer to self realisation.

      You can call me Danie 🙂  Behind me


    • #307676

      Blessings to all.

      I’m here because of Tony Kosinec. I’ve done the whole Kabala Reveilved on YT and was hoping to get more directed study from the man in the know. Personally, what would sum me up the best is: a life long spiritual seeker and practitioner. From astrology to cymatics – all that brings closer to self realisation.

      You can call me Danie 🙂  Behind me


    • #307675

      Blessings to all.

      I’m here because of Tony Kosinec. I’ve done the whole Kabala Reveilved on YT and was hoping to get more directed study from the man in the know. Personally, what would sum me up the best is: a life long spiritual seeker and practitioner. From astrology to cymatics – all that brings closer to self realisation.

      You can call me Danie 🙂  Behind me


    • #307674

      zeinab…. am still searching

    • #307671

      Hi, I’m Gabor.

      I haven’t been able to find my place in the world for a while, it seems that everything I try to do doesn’t work out. I want to find my way and I hope this course will give me some guidance

    • #307670

      Hi I’m Ashish

      Here to learn and connect with like-minded individuals.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,671 through 2,676 (of 5,881 total)
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