Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,707 through 2,712 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #318633

      Hey l am Dan

    • #318516
      C.A. Burns

      Hello World!

      My name is Cody Burns, and hopefully you’ll learn all the ways my name rings true 🙂 I first started studying with Bnei Baruch in 2010! I’ve been to many a‘Congress and sat with a physical group (Miami, FL) from 2012 – 2016.  I’ve been studying, but I have not been contributing, since I moved from Miami.  I felt it’s time for me to bring more balance to this system I call life, and to reconnect to my RAV and also the world Kli, so I recently reached out to an old friend and he suggested I go through KabU to get reconnected to the virtual Kli.

      I’m here because it’s the desire of my friends.  They want me to want spirituality, and, well, here we are!  I have a deep burning desire to sing and dance and raise a L’Chayim in the name of The Name with Bnei Baruch.

      L’Chayim, Bnei Baruch!

    • #318504
      Franklin Awuku

      Hello I’m Franklin from Ghana

    • #318503
      Kaliah fletcher


      I’m Kaliah from australia. I have joined as I often find myself looking for a deeper meaning to life that nothing can fill.I enjoy the little  things in life but the ‘normal’ goals like buying a house or a car doesn’t excite me. I crave a deeper understanding. I have dabbled in religion but it never made enough sense.  Good to meet you all and am excited to connect with you.

    • #318496
      Lennart Tjarks

      Hey all, I’m Lennart from Germany and I want to explore if I want to deepen my Kabbalah studies in the German Kli or in the world Kli. I’ve studied basic and advanced courses at kabacademy in German, I’m looking forward to practice in a committet 10 and need suppport in deciding if kabU or kabacademy is my way to go in the next years.

    • #318492


      I am Molliere Daffue from South Africa. The hidden secrets is facinating to find your purpose in life and to be in a deeper relationship with the Creator.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,707 through 2,712 (of 6,419 total)
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