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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,713 through 2,718 (of 6,414 total)
  • Author
    • #318387

      Hello everyone,

      My name is Dianna and I am from the Untied States. I am currently residing in Phoenix Arizona.  I started studying Kabbala about 15 years ago only to get distracted with life and all of the changes that were occurring.  Back then my resources were limited.  Once again I am drawn back to studying Kabbalah and I am very excited to continue my journey with all of you.

    • #318374
      Tetiana Fayman

      Hello everyone,

      I’m Tetiana. I am from Ukraine but have lived in the U.S. since 2008. I’m currently in Colorado.

      I’d like to attain the upper world as this world is beginning to mean less to me with every year. Something very important is missing here.

      I used to study Kabbalah through a group of 10 about 4 years ago. After putting it on a pause, I am drawn to the studies again.

      I hope to find love here in a spiritual meaning of the word.

    • #318366
      Alan Kovacs

      Hello Everyone, I’m Alan. I started this journey about 3 months ago when I came across the Unifydtv website. The Kabbalah, The Torah and many other books were mentioned by Rabbi AA in the book, Rays Of Light. This is when I began to search out these books of knowledge which has led me here. Thus far I have read Rays Of Knowledge, Rays Of Light, The Pyramid Code ( these are found on the Unifydtv website) Kabbalah For Beginners and I’m currently reading Kabbalah Revealed but I’ll put that on pause and see where this goes. I come from a Christian back round but I have questioned the modern Bible feeling as though something is missing. Lets see what this journey reveals which hopefully brings me and the rest of humanity to a place where we can unite as a race of people in the Age Of Love

    • #318360

      Hello, I’m Scott. I’ve been interested for the better part of my adult life in learning about my place in the universe and what is the purpose of our existence.

    • #318323
      Danielle C

      Hi my name is Danielle.

      I’m taking this course to find out what actually works.

    • #318311
      Lubov Tomsu

      I’m Lu

Viewing 6 posts - 2,713 through 2,718 (of 6,414 total)
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