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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,713 through 2,718 (of 6,419 total)
  • Author
    • #318458
      Coyote Bones

      My name is Daniel, and I’m going to try again. Hello everyone

    • #318452
      Patrick Bonner

      Hi, I’m Adam. I’m giving this a try to see what I think.

    • #318444

      Hi everyone, I’m Brendan. I came from a mixed religious family background and was often alone growing up whilst moving from place to place for my father’s work. I have always been seeking the truth and have  studied numerous religions throughout my life, until recently where I found the writings of Michael Laitman. I look forward to taking this next step to learn more.

    • #318429

      Hi my name is Brett, I am an Automation Engineer and Mobile App Developer

      I come from a Christian background, fell from my faith, but have returned to attempt once more following the Way of Yeshua.

      Kabbalah has provided a practical manual for ideation and the processing of ideas, from the conception of the emanation of Chokmah by virtue of Keter, to then Understand through Binah, to then process the idea through Chesed (treating myself, the idea, and the source with Lovingkindness as best I can), to then giving form to the idea in the mental plain through Gevurah. This generation of form in the immaterial mind is the first step of actualizing the idea, I have found, which is enough to bask in the glory of the divine emanation of Netzach. Furthermore, through the emanation of Hod, I have been able to take practical steps to bridging this now formed idea into the Kingdom by bridging the way through Yesod. Once in Malkuth, the beauty of the idea can now be expressed, infusing all sefirot with the Sacred Heart of Tiferet, which helps me to further connect with the Light Without End, Ohr Ein Sof. I am sure there are other practical applications to Kabbalah. I love listening to rabbis, especially when they disagree, as the cutting of fat that occurs is swift and severe, yet allows for the most beautiful aspects of the idea to shine through. This has brought me here.

      I love to learn, but have always been a difficult student, with an innumerable amount of questions.

    • #318428
      Bethany Hunt

      Hi there, I’m Bethany. A goodfriend of mine recommended this site and course to learn about Kabbalah. Excited to find out more!

    • #318387

      Hello everyone,

      My name is Dianna and I am from the Untied States. I am currently residing in Phoenix Arizona.  I started studying Kabbala about 15 years ago only to get distracted with life and all of the changes that were occurring.  Back then my resources were limited.  Once again I am drawn back to studying Kabbalah and I am very excited to continue my journey with all of you.

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