Introduce Yourself to Your Fellow Students

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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,725 through 2,730 (of 5,901 total)
  • Author
    • #307193

      Greetings everyone, I’m Leon.
      At the time of writing this, I’m a student, trying to find a job as a medical practicioner.
      In my free time, I tend to stick to myself, playing games, reading, writing stories and occasionally meditating.
      As a rather intense introvert, I almost always am alone, and a vast majority of my relationships are entirely professional.
      Now, as to why I’m here… Dunno really, I’ve never heard of ‘Kabalah’ before, guess curiosity got the better of me.
      I have no expectations, I’m simply here to see what fascinating things I can learn.

    • #307172

      Everything made was of God and nothing was before God.  God is Love and I would like to know how to Love my God more in the way that I go.

    • #307171

      Before God there was nothing.  God is in all and made all things.  I would like to understand what God has done, is doing and will do in the future.  God is love and I would like to know how to Love my creator more.

    • #307128

      Hi everyone, my name is Carlos Jauregui I was born in Venezuela and moved to Dallas Tx almost 7 years ago. Looking for knowledge and tools to help other people and myself at the same time to make a chance (Tikun).

      Thank you!

    • #307124
      Roger Fry

      Hi I’m Roger Fry, studied art and sell my work, mainly landscapes but also have part time work not related to supplement my income. I have spent many years doing meditation and studying advaita. I have had many wonderful experiences but in the end I’m drawn back to the Kabbalah, which was the beginning of my journey in my early teens. But I did have teacher then and found overwhelming. I look forward to diving into and finding the key to unlock the deeper mysteries.


    • #307113
      Dustin Caldwell

      My name is Dustin. I am 30 years old. I have 4 daughters. I have been suffering a lot over the past couple years, and everything in my life has collapsed. The only thing that really helps is Kabbalah. I’m hoping to fully understand why my circumstances are the way they are, and to heal them.

      • #307137

        Hi Dustin. I am glad you are on this path. I am new to Kabbalah, but have found answers and hope thus far in my studies. I believe you will experience understanding and healing.

Viewing 6 posts - 2,725 through 2,730 (of 5,901 total)
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