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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

Viewing 6 posts - 277 through 282 (of 5,322 total)
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    • #377844


      After studying Kabbalah for over a year now I came across Tony’s lectures on Youtube. Kabbalah confirms my existing beliefs about God and my relationship to God. I find connection to creator through daily prayer, meditation and ceremonial magick. And have most recently been very drawn to Hermeticism, Gnosticism, and Kabbalah.

      My spiritual awakening happened 6 years ago when I hit bottom with alcohol and my other addiction. I have been sober and healing ever since. Each layer I shed of my ancestral trauma seems to get me closer to the truth which is that all things are connected.

      In the last year, I have a had a very strong desire to know god so that I can be more like god in my actions, thoughts, and feelings. This desire is stronger than anything else in my life and has led me to Kabbalah and to this message board. 🙂

    • #377841


      Returned to the plant in the Spring of 1960…. raised in a crazy, upside-down, twisted household under Roman Catholic Rule: fish cakes, mashed potatoes, and stewed tomatoes ) no dessert) EVERY Friday, confession EVERY. Saturday, with Mass EVERY Sunday. We sure played the public well.  6 perfect children 4 oldest adopted with 2 youngest natural. I won’t go into it… but as one of the adopted, I did NOR fit into this family

      Foremost, I asked far too many questions for any 60’s born child, secondly, whenever I spotted bullies, be they adult or child, I put my two cents into the ring, and thirdly, I could see auras, ghosts angels, masters. I think the final shot was when I let it known I could recall past lives too…

      Anyone raised in this household, nuns, and assuredly my parents too all swore me to hell or at the very least centuries in purgatory repeatedly writing out the Act of Contrition and a multitude of orher

    • #377787

      Hello, my name is Erin and I live in Miami. I have been awakened to my spiritual journey for most of my life, I recently turned 40 and Kabbalah had come into my awareness.  I’m interested in learning more about Kabbalah as I’m looking to expand my consciousness, learn, grow, heal and gain a higher perspective of my soul’s purpose here on earth.

      • #377862

        I tried to edit this but I guess it did not work…

        My veil never closed, I have recall of several past lives and remember volunteering to incarnate, chose my parents, story, Angels  and Masters. i know things I cannot explain and I can see things visions dreams hear feel know.    I dreamt of 9/11 the night before it happened and awoke screaming, they’re bombing Manhattan.  I have been studying religions rites and practices for 45 years…

        I have read books  on Kabbalah , but I am often left with questions ….  I guess it is time to take the deep dive

    • #377753

      Hello. My preferred name is Juule.  I was born in the midst of the Rocky Mountains of USA where I have lived my life so far.  I was raised in the Catholic religion and never really took to it even though I was compelled to do so while living with my parents.  When I became autonomous after moving out, I looked to an alternative spiritual tradition to sustain me which I learned and practiced for over 30 years.  After all the time I lived and learned about things I know never to have any expectations about anything.  What Kabbalah can deliver for me will be what it is.

    • #377733

      Hello, I’m Keira.

      My life has changed drastically recently and I have found the Kaballah Centre’s podcast, which has been providing me great support and wisdom.

      I want to learn more.

      Thank you 🙂

    • #377708

      Greetings my name is Sara.  I am thankful to have been granted the opportunity to embark on this life changing journey, in the physical and the spiritual.  Trusting and moving towards the Light.

Viewing 6 posts - 277 through 282 (of 5,322 total)
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