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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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  • Author
    • #313517

      Hello, I am Stella

      I love studying thé bible, what à great privilege for me to be à student here. I  was looking for this for so many years.

      Thank you

    • #313515
      Steven Graham Art

      Hello everyone. My name is Steven and I am fascinated with spirituality and yearn for it to be an exact science. Kabbalah fills that yearning. I want to further my understanding of this science.

    • #313495
      Peter Hjorth

      Hi Everyone
      My Name is Peter, I’m 45 years old, born and raised and live in Denmark.

      Raised in a Christian family, I renounced all religions at a young age, after having read the bible. Do to the fact that all my questions, about the stories in the bible, couldn’t be answered.
      Simple Questions like: “who cleaned up after all the animals on the ark?” “where did the wife’s come from that married the sons of Adam and Eve?”. So i took it for fake and if no more, written by man.

      I later in life studied all kinds of religions, and found they all poses same stories, same morals, identical names and more similarities. So I came to the conclusion that something must have happened in the past that left these stories in our memory and that religion, has been turned into tools of control by man in the religious institutions. History also reveal alot of the horror that was/is being done in the name of religion.

      So I turned to spirituality and turned to guru’s and meditation and self development and here I got a taste of oneness, a feeling of something more than me, being present in me, or rather me being a part of it.

      I’m still searching, learning, trying and experiencing and so I am here.

      Thank you for letting me in and sharing your ways.

    • #313485

      Deseo aprender más sobre las letras hebreas
      Lucy De Los Reyes

    • #313470

      Hi to everyone, is the world we live in a computer generated matrix or is that just something made up in the film the matrix?

    • #313426
      Larunce Pipkin

      Hello,  I am Larunce.  I am excited to begin this journey with all of you.  The past year for me has been one of opening doors within myself that I have been avoiding for many many years. I am a hypnotherapist, a past life regression therapist who helps people overcome trauma so that they may live without those burdens and barriers every day giving them more freedom to feel and give love.  I cannot fully express the joy that I am feeling about this adventure and I am overjoyed that I get to experience it with all of you!

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