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  • #28777

    Introduce yourself to your fellow students. Write a few words about yourself and about what you expect from the course.

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    • #302984


      I want to convey my appreciation for all those involved in KabU, including teachers, students and administrators

      It’s wonderful to find a course revealing the mysteries of life. My curiosity to understand the world has been with me as long as I can remember. I have read many books over the years, learning all I could about the universe.

      I have lived closely to Nature in the country for a number of years, learning to connect to the rest of creation  I have also lived in the city for many years, learning to connect with people

      My experiences include deep spiritual transcendence and transformation  I’ve also participated in many efforts to bring unity to various groups in order to bring about Tikun Olam

      Although I have learned and experienced much, I have come to realize that  I know so little compared to what I do not yet know

      The excitement to see the revelations of the wisdom of Kabbalah unfolding in my life is motivating me to learn all I can so that I can fully participate in this precious life, centered in purpose, empowered with understanding and activated by receiving the knowledge in these courses




    • #302983

      Great day! I’m a light seeker seeking more 🌞 I’ve studied many schools of thought and have been led here! Peace to everyone.

    • #302951
      Yomi Lawal

      Hello, I’m Yomi and I’m on a journey of self discovery.

    • #302945

      Hello I’m Peter and interested in learning kabbalah.

    • #302943
      badr aseeri

      Hello, my name is Badr i am  from Saudi Arabia. I had a question for a long time ago and I am looking for the answer.

      I want to know who I am.  I asked the Creator to show me the answer, and here I am interested in the wisdom of Kabbalah. I want to learn more.

    • #302937
      Madina Palmos

      hi, I am Madina, trying to find the core of life’s meaning.

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